Chapter 17(unedited)

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"Ok Momma, Celeste is still asleep. I put out an outfit for her to wear today to go play and I set up her bag with an extra set of clothing, a hair brush and her inhaler. When she gets up she might be sore. So I have some children's tylenol in my bathroom medicine cabinet and I packed some just in case. I think she's experiencing growing pains." I say to my mother as I fix some breakfast for the girls and I before we go to school. I love that my mother allows me to take lead when it comes to Celeste but still will jump in when I need her too.

"She'll be ok sweetie. It's all a part of her growing up. Selena is over the moon that the two of us get to take her out shopping. Apparently they are in the process of setting up a room for her so she has a place to sleep when she gets to go visit them and we get to go get stuff while we are out. Did you need anything while we are out?" She answered. I hadn't known that they were giving her a room. I love that they are this excited that she's theirs too.

"Well I could use some more toothpaste and body wash if you don't mind grabbing some while your out." I said looking at her.

"Of course not darling, the usual brand?"

"Yes please, I think Celeste could use some more too." She nodded and added that to her list as the other girls came in dressed for school.

"Hey girls. I'm going out shopping today. Tina and Lettie I realized the other day when I was putting your clean towels in the bathroom that you were almost out of hair shampoo and conditioner so I'll grab some for you. Also Izzy and Nessie I told your mothers I'd grab some of that bubble bath you both like so much. Eucalyptus for you Izzy and Jasmine for you right Nessie?" She asked getting nods from all four and writing that down also before turning to Tabitha.

"Alright sweetpea. You just moved in do you need anything to get settled, I noticed you had some cinnamon body spray that was more than half way gone when I changed the towels in your bathroom. I can pick up some more while I'm getting the other stuff ok?" Tabitha looked surprised.

"Oh my mama. You don't have to do that. I could get some sooner or later, I don't want you to have to go out of your way." She stuttered. We all chuckled. My mother has the nurturing trait about her and is always taking care of us. Each girl has had this encounter with her and has learned to accept that once they joined us they are daughters to her and my father now.

"Honey, your part of our family now and I'm not going out of my way. I'm going to be in that area any way. So it's all good. I'm also going to pick up a extra set of things for your bathroom for when Lisa comes over. That way she won't feel the need to bring the stuff that could already be here. I'm also getting another spare key made for her." my mother told tabby before walking away with her tablet and pen muttering as she went. We all chuckled at the look on the girls face.

"You'll get used to having a second mother honey doll. You riding with Lettie, Tina and I? We pass Lisa's house on the way so she can ride with us too." Auburey asked the girl who smiled and nodded pulling her phone out to let Lisa know that we were stopping to get her.

"Sooo, Luna ready to go up on the popularity scale?" Izzy asked as we pulled on our jackets and backpacks while we waited for the others to grab their stuff.

"Well she is now dating the most popular guy in school so theres no way around it." Nessie said as the others came back making us all chuckle. I was just really excited to see him. We walked to the car barn. Walking in the girls walked to Auburey's pink corvette and Nessie, Izzy, and I pulled on our helmets as she opened the door and got on our motorcycles. I lead the way to Lisa's house with Nessie on my left and Izzy on the right. The girls were behind us with the hood down and the music up. After a quick stop to pick up the girl we continued to school.

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