Chapter 3

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"So are you going to go talk to her?" Troy asked me. I'm suddenly nervous. This is the girl that I plan to spend the rest of my life with. I've never once thought that I'd ever reject my mate but looking at her now I feel nervous that she'd reject me. I can only see her face and shoulders she's wearing a black leather jacket but I can't see any further. Her face is beautiful and flawless, her smile reaches her eyes when her friends say stuff that she thinks is funny. My wolf feels a bit of jealousy when she smiles at the guy who asked her a question and then she laughed. Then I noticed something.

"Hey everyone at her table seems to be a bit geeky and nerdy looking, they are being left alone by everyone when in a normal environment they'd be bullied. She doesn't get bullied does she?" I demand from Troy growling the last part.

"It's surprising but no they don't. Claire is a big anti-bully person and stands up for those who are bullied. Those that sit at her table besides the two wearing the crystals have been adopted into the group because one of the three girls stood up for them. Once you talk to her you'll feel what everyone here feels including the humans. She has the air about her that commands respect and the feeling travels to the other two." He answered truthfully. Just then a loud crash echoes throughout the cafeteria. We all turn to see two people fighting upon closer inspection we realize that it's two girls from our pack. Susan and Aubrey. Susan's kind of a stuck up chick and Aubrey's a quiet girl with purple streaks in her hair. She seems really mad.

Troy and I run over to the two and pull them apart.

"What is the problem here?" Troy demands to Susan while I hold a very mad Aubrey. She's shaking and I can tell that she's fighting her wolf.

"That little brat was in my way and attacked me when I politely asked her to move." Susan said innocently.

"You are such a liar. You cursed at me and shoved my lunch off my table while laughing." Aubrey returned. This started off a yelling match between the two. If not for Troy and I holding tightly to them punches would've been exchanged. I was about to interrupt when a soft melody like voice beat me to it.

"Thats enough you two." We all looked over to see Claire standing to our left looking back and forth between the girls. Her two girlfriends stood on either side of her each keeping an eye trained on the separate girls. Who had immediately stopped. Troy was right about her aura. It was scary and strangely comforting. Aubrey was the first to respond.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't you have something to say to Aubrey Susan?" Claire said settling those amazing eyes on the girl she was addressing. I took the time to check her out. She was just about two inches shorter than I and had her hair pulled into a pony tail that ended just above her waist. Her clothing outlined her perfect hourglass figure and made me look twice. She wore tight jeans that were covered up by equally tight boots that stopped half way at her thigh, under the jacket she wore a blue shirt that left like an inch of skin showing. I jerked myself back to the situation at hand and was about to back her up when the most shocking thing happened.

"I'm sorry Aubrey what I did was wrong and I hope you'll forgive me." Susan said making me and Troy look at her in surprise.

"Thank you." Aubrey said with a smile. We all looked at Claire who looked happy.

"Class is about to start why don't you guys go ahead. Aubrey I'd like for you to meet me at my house after school please." Aubrey nodded and they left."Thank you Brent and Troy." She turned around after watching the two go their separate ways and pinned us with the most beautiful genuine smile. I just stared at her dumbfounded with a small smile on my face.

"Thank you Claire, i don't know how that was going to turn out before you came." Troy answered laughing at me.

"Hey Claire if we don't leave now we'll be late to gym" said the crazy curly hair said looking at Troy weirdly.

"Ok Izzy. See you guys at the meeting, Happy Birthday Brent." Claire said and then they jogged off.

"Brent was totally checking you out C." The other blonde said when they thought they were out of hearing distance.

"I believe that he definitely liked what he saw." said Izzy. Causing us to laugh softly and me to blush and i could see her face matched mine.

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