storytime/acting time

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Time period- well clearly Ferncloud is in Starclan and so is Dustpelt but this occurs before the broken code so with that you can infer whatever <33

Rock: "Welcome back to 101 ways Dustpelt gets Ferncloud pregnant. I am the cat that tells the story of the clans. Specifically I recount the great cats I have witnessed in the living realm to kits who had died too young to hear about them from their elders. I was once also the cat who assessed those that hoped to become a sharpclaw in the tunnels of the lake territory countless moons before the clans emerged. I was the cat who guided Jayfeather out of those exact tunnels to save the windclan kits too. More importantly, I led that great cat through various odysseys that shaped the future of the clans and the tribe. Lastly I am a good friend of Midnight the badger who led the chosen cats to the sundrown place and slightly assisted Thunderclan in their battle with the badgers in the hollow.. But that is for a different untold story. Today's story is even more hallowed. It is how one of our most fertile queens is enabled to reproduce and pass on kits so that clans flourish generation after generation."

Hollykit: "Hey Larchkit remember that weird cat who we met underground when we were just rudimentary kits in Starclan?"

Larchkit: "He seemed wise but he was so grotesque."

Hollykit: "Wiser than Starclan since we left their sunny boundaries."

Ferncloud: "Hush little one, no one is ugly." Ferncloud is instantly mortified by how her kit had the audacity to say such a heartless thing. "Also no one holds more power in their paws than Starclan." Ferncloud turns to address her daughter.

Hollykit: "Not every tom looks as handsome or alluring as our father." Holly's tiny short whiskers quiver as she glances at her mother who subconsciously shuffles her paws."

Larchkit: "Anyway he seemed to draw enjoyment out of our kit-like squabbling."

Hollykit: "He spoke of Firestar and Mothflight and all those impressive and influential cats no one can forget and Shrewpaw never received that honor of meeting-" Hollykit is caught off guard by Larchkit as she keeps on him. Together the two roll in circles and loops, dislodging stray leaves in the serene summer ground until they're brought to a halt at Ferncloud's paws.

Ferncloud: "Well whoever this Rock cat is is not among the ranks of Starclan so you will impress no one here and only ruffle that satin fur of yours that had never been able to be groomed for apprentice or warrior ceremonies."

"You can impress me! I'll always love you as my sister's kits unlike this other she-cat's kits" Ashfur comes trotting over to the scene with Hollyleaf trotting at his heels.

Ferncloud flinches as she recalls her brother's attempted murder of the three kits the entire clan had originally thought to have been Squirrelflightl's. He'd then caused Hollyleaf to go berserk and kill him and exile herself and had almost helped Hawkfrost gauge out Firestar. However Hollyleaf didn't seem perturbed, knowing the two of them had gotten condemned and had paid for their mistakes.

Instantly the kits begin climbing over Ashfur, forgetting that they were supposed to fight each other.

Hollyleaf: "I never got to know Rock but I sure got to meet Fallen Leaves." Hollyleaf chuckles.

The tumbling clouds of dust and leaves attract Dustpelt who's eyes gleam as they settle upon his mate. Ashfur's whiskers don't even twitch in envy of the amorous couple.

Dustpelt doesn't say anything but by the way his eyes gleams he clearly finds himself blessed that his relationship with his mate isn't as convoluted Hollyleaf's with Fallen Leaves. However Dustpelt had lost his sanity when Ferncloud had slipped away from him after the great battle. He'd repulsed the idea of entering the useless elders den while haunted with Ferncloud's absence.

"Mrrow", Ferncloud notices and purrs awkwardly also Hollyleaf stares at her paws which would've once been tainted with the blood of Ashfur the day she'd killed him. The sight of Ashfur's prostrate and lifeless body suspended in the stream and his blood percolating the creek still revolts Ferncloud.

But Ferncloud's sporadic purring is masked out by the swooshing sound of Dustpelt's twitching tail and itching pelt, as well as the sound of kits tumbling on the floor. They'd returned back to the ground after Ashfur had shrugged them off to continue grooming his fur. Ferncloud had been perplexed when he'd suddenly begun to meticulously part his fur and prime tufts of it last new-leaf. He'd always been a boisterous tom that had easily gotten filthy with twigs snagged in his fur.

"Attack," Dustpelt lets out a caterwaul and rolls onto Ferncloud, jerking her out of her trance of thoughts.

"The best actors are always the ones that don't need to act," blushes Ferncloud. The two roll together and the combination of their adult bodies rolls them across the clearing far more rapidly than the cloud of kits. The pair was no longer aiming to attempt the kit's fairytale of Rock. Instead they become hyper focused into each other's eyes. They only come to a winded halt at the edge of the ground upon masses of rocks.

Ferncloud swats playfully at Dustpelt's nose just like Larchkit had done to her not too long after birth before he'd starved to death.

"And that's how Dustpelt gets kits to grow in me," a purr proudly resonates deep within Ferncloud's throat

Larchkit: "And that's how my mother got pregnant with me and my littermates and siblings."

A/N- honestly now that I think about it I should've done "101 ways Oakheart gets Bluefur(star) pregnant lmao. Although they only had one litter, it was a lot for the fact that they'd only met (intensively) once. I've actually found it quite impressive that they only needed one night rendezvous to create kits. Dovewing x Tigerheart and Leafpool x Crowfeather had secretly snuck away countless times at midnight and never created new life until a while later. Heck even Lionblaze met Heathertail as apprentices in the tunnels and formed a mini-clan in them. Dustpelt and Ferncloud had been developing feelings for each other even while Ferncloud was an apprentice but they'd still kept their feelings on hold until Fernpaw finished their training so no teenage-mothers had been developed (even though I've always wanted to hear about an apprentice that was expecting kits). In other words, damn it all happened in a heartbeat. Also the half-clan kits and the cross-clan feelings and Snowfur x Thistleclaw (and Mosskit) would've made my stories more interesting. And personally, reading about Bluefur x Oakheart had been much more exhilarating for me than for say Silverstream x Graystripe (it took them more than one hook-up to get kits as well). So maybe if I run out of ideas for 101 ways Ferncloud I'll make a part two for 101 ways Bluefur within this part because something in me doesn't want to have too many separate works on my feed (unless my first 101 gets really long which I doubt will occur because I'm dry of ideas). So maybe I could eventually keep the title and cover of just Ferncloud x Dustpelt (since I'm not a cover-maker) and include a divider for part two (which would be about Bluefur)?? (what do yall think??)

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