headed home

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it's the last day and everyone is loading their cars to drive home. you have been dreading this moment. maybe it was because you didn't want to leave but it's also possible that you just didn't want to drive down a mountain"

"i hate driving on mountain roads"
"i can drive with u"
"thanks gube"

'do the others know or at least do they care? does matthew want us to tell them or should this just be about us?'

you two get into ur car and start driving

"hey gube what about your car?"
"oh i didn't drive up i ride with nick."
"how come?"
"because i hate driving on mountains"
"what then why are you driving?"
"cuz you didn't want to"

'god he's so perfect. i thought he was amazing before i met him but this, this is everything'

you make him listen to your road trip playlist that you have been listening to since 2013 because that was the best year for you. that was the year you had your so many of your firsts. it makes you feel young again.

you roll both windows down and turn up the music.

"you know i've always wanted to have a cinematic drive down a wooded road."

you sick your head out the window and smile as you sing along to your old songs. you feel engulfed in happiness. and then a bug splats into your face

"that always looked better in the movies. no bugs and no fear that a pole or semi will swipe your head off hereditary style."

all matthew does is chuckle and look at you with love in his eyes and that gives you so many butterflies in your heart and stomach.

*time skip*

matthew pulls into his driveway

"would you like to come in for some coffee?"
"i'd love to"

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