Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

A small aircraft darts across the sky, its engines roaring as it propels itself forward. In the cockpit sits two figures, Lieutenant James and Sergeant O'Neill. James clutches tightly on the control stick, keeping the vessel under control as it hurtles towards its destination. O'Neill stares at the various screens laid out in front of him, occasionally pressing buttons when James requests. Behind them in the troop bay is Captain Miller, who is stood by the side door, scanning the structures on the ground below. After a few moments, miller turns and steps into the cockpit between the two pilots, putting his hand on James shoulder as he asks

"What's our ETA Lt?"

"We are 40 minutes out sir" James responds as he flips a switch to his left.

"Thats good to hear, won't be long until you boys can get some R and R at the bar back at base" Miller jokes.

"Sir, we are flying over the Appalachian Mountains now" Sergeant O'Neill says as he points towards them.

Miller shuffles back into the troop bay so he can get a better view, he reaches out and slides the bay door open, a faint hissing noise can be heard as the door seal breaks and air seeps into the aircraft. He grabs hold of the door rail and lowers himself down, sitting on the edge of the floor, his feet dangle outside of the aircraft.

"What a view eh captain, sure beats Anchorage" O'Neill laughs as his eyes fix onto the peaks

"I don't know about that one sarge, the snowy peaks around Anchorage leave little to be desired"

"The freezing weather left a lot to be desired captain", James Remarks.

Before Miller can respond a red light starts flashing on the display Infront of the Sergeant

"Communications from command sir" O'Neill says as his demeanor shifts

"Put it through" he responds.

"Flight 166 this is command, you are being diverted to camp McClintock over"

"Roger command, Flight 166 is EnRoute to McClintock, what's the SITREP over"

"There has been an incident with a soldier on their training course, MEDEVAC is required to transport the wounded person to AVR for medical assistance over"

"Solid copy on all command, we are on our way, will report back once we have the soldier in our possession, over and out"

The transmission ends as James pulls the control stick right, making the vessel bank hard towards its current objective.

"McClintock doesn't have landing facilities big enough for us to set the bird down sir" O'Neill says as he looks maps of the area.

"Looks like we will have to go old school then, just like on the cliffside back in Alaska, prepare the winch Sergeant, looks like I'll be hot dropping"

"Aye sir", he replies as he extends the side winch.

Miller climbs back into the cargo hold and opens the crafts armor storage bay. In it stands 2 suits of t45d power armor. He moves his hand around the powerpack on the suits back, making sure it's ready for duty. When he's satisfied, he twists the armor release and the whole back piece swivels up for entry. Miller slowly steps in, reaching each hand into the sleave and grabbing hold of the control triggers.

"Alright, were good to go" he says as the back swivels down, encasing him in the hulking mechanical exoskeleton. He turns himself and slowly wades towards the door of the craft.

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