Chapter 5

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The team made their way up the winding road leading to the airport, Miller leading the way with James in the middle and O'Neill bringing up the rear. They stopped every few hundred feet, to reevaluate their surroundings and make sure the group at the dam hadn't sent people to follow them. Miller held his hand up, motioning his team to halt and lay low, while he moved up by himself. Several minutes had passed before he rejoined his two comrades, who had moved to a fallen tree for better cover.

"There is a radar dish that overlooks the terminal entrance, we can get a better view of the airfield and maybe see where the birds are stored" He explained.

James and O'Neill nodded then fell in behind him as he headed to the base of the dish. One they reached the dish, he motioned for O'Neill to climb up.

"Why is it always me", O'Neill remarked as he slung his rifle over his shoulder and began climbing the ladder.

"You're the only one qualified in unassisted scaling remember, and besides, I thought you liked nice views" James joked.

The sergeant had climbed half way up the ladder by the time James got his joke out. He paused briefly to look back down at his squad, noting James disapproved head shake.

"Didn't they teach you to not look down when climbing" he added.

"Very funny" O'Neill said smugly as he continued his climb.

He pulled himself up the final rung of the ladder and climbed onto the catwalk that went around the base of the dish. He moved around it to get a better look at the airport, reaching one hand into his pouch to pull out his short-range radio to save himself from shouting.

"This is Archangel to ground team over" he said over the radio.

"Really Archangel" James questioned just as Miller raised his finger to tell him to be quiet

"Roger Archangel, how does it look up there, over" Miller responded

O'Neill took a moment to scan the perimeter of the airport, before giving his response.

"The airport looks clear, no sign of anyone, though there looks to have been a crash recently"

"Involving our birds?" Miller asked

"Negative, looks like a skylines jet landed hard, there is debris and abandoned fire trucks scattered over the main runway."

"Any sign of the vertibirds"

"Not from where I'm standing, but I can see a couple of hangars on the opposite side of the runway, could be held up there"

"Alright, any ideas on the best way to the hangars."

"Main terminal entrance is chock-a-block with vehicles; we will have to scout the fence to the west side for possible entry"

"Solid copy on all, now get back down here so we can head on in" Miller added as he peered up to see the sergeant sliding back down the ladder.

"Archangel has landed" James joked as he tapped O'Neill on the shoulder.

Miller gave them a moment to compose themselves before ordering them all to move out, making their way to the western perimeter fence. Miller kept his hand on the pistol holstered against his hip, scanning the area ahead as they moved. O'Neill was combing his hand along the chain-link fence, looking for a gap that would allow them entry. Eventually he found it and motioned for the other two to fall in. He told James to give him a hand as they both pulled on either end of the fence, making the hole just large enough for Miller to slip through. Once through he reached back and took James's spot holding it open so he could join him next. Once the whole team was inside, Miller told O'Neill to take them towards the hangar he saw. He nodded and took them across the runway to the other side of the airfield that was being obscured by the crash.

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