Chapter 4

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Miller sat in the Med bay reception, patiently waiting for the doctor to return. He reached over to a small coffee table perched beside him and shuffled through the various magazines that were laid across it. He eventually found one that interested him and grabbed it to read while he passed the time. The cover showed several large High rise buildings with robots standing in the foreground, the title read, Watoga, City of the future. He had heard rumours of a city that was staffed entirely by robots, but never found out where it was. He looked up from his light reading to stare out the bunker's imitation windows. It fooled him initially until he remembered the bunker was hundreds of feet below the surface.

Just as he was about to continue his reading, a nurse appeared and told him that the examination was complete and he could see now see the Doctor. Miller nodded, got up and walked into his office. Once inside he saw Weber sat up on an examination table, with the doctor stood beside him. Miller and him exchanged a smile before he asking

"So, doc, how is my newest crew member doing?"

"Scans of his lower spine show no permanent damage, he will be a little weak on the legs for a few days, but with bed rest he should make a full recovery" The doctor explained.

Miller reached over and Patted Weber's head, akin to a parent teasing their child.

"That's good news Doc, well private" Miller said as he turned to Weber, "Looks like you get to enjoy the comfort of that warm bed while the rest of us huff it to the airport".

Sensing that Weber will try to protest, Miller leaned in close and spoke

"That's an order son, we need you up to full combat strength by the time we are back, besides you can use this time to study.

"Study sir" Weber asked puzzled

Before he could continue his question Miller handed him a book with a vertibird on the cover. Weber took it and read the front page aloud.

"Vertibird Flight Manual" he said as he looked back at Miller, his eyes had lit up.

"Once I get back you better have read that entire book back to front, because I'll be taking you up for your first training flight"

Weber nodded before Miller turned and left, making his way to the armoury where O'Neill and James were.

As soon as he entered the armoury, both of his men ambushed him at the door, asking how Weber was. Miller Put their minds to ease before asking the Lieutenant to brief them on the plan. James nodded and hunkered down around a map of the area.

"We can take route 62 straight into Charleston and onto Wade, it about 1 mile of open road, I talked to a team that re-conned the area already, they said the route is pretty clear, but a group of armed civilians were seen operating near the capitol building.

"Has command given any orders on possible contact with them?" Miller asked

James looked around before leaning in close to The Captain.

"That's the weird thing sir, rumour is it the civilians are operating on the orders of an emergency government".

"Swafford didn't say we had government officials outside of the white springs" Miller said allowed

"They aren't operating on behalf of the Government sir, it's some sort of splinter group, either way our orders are to try and avoid contact at all cost" James added.

"And if we can't do that"

"Orders say its up to your discretion, Bottom line is we need to get those birds"

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