Chapter 3

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The team spent the best part of a day trekking from their crash site to White Springs, along the way they passed vacant houses and abandoned vehicles, the whole area was a ghost town. O'Neill reminisced about his family get togethers before the war, how they would all pile into his parents' small backyard. His father and uncles were huddled around the barbecue grill, arguing over sports while they cooked steaks and hamburgers. His mother would sit on the porch with his aunts, talking about stuff that had transpired since their last encounter, while also keeping an eye on the younger kids as they played catch or hide and seek. Weber mostly listened, the uncertainty of what had happened to his family burdened his mind, but hearing O'Neill's story gave him moments of solace.

While the other two were having their chat, Miller and James were talking about the current chain of events, wondering if DC was hit, and if it had been, what would have been left of the chain of command. James was quite knowledgeable when it came to politics, and was the one Miller would turn to when he had questions.

"If D.C was hit, anyone who was in the Whitehouse or the Capitol would most likely gone." James said.

"So, who does that leave then?" Miller asked.

"Well, last time I checked, there was only four Secretaries outside of DC, the Secretary of Interior, Housing, Treasury and Agriculture."

"Jesus", Miller sighed,"That doesn't leave us with very much options as to whos next in line. Where were those four last located?"

"Well, the Housing Secretary was at some construction project in New York, some sort of housing for the poor Program. If Reds had any sense, they'd would be another target, so unless he got to ground before the drop, he's most likely gone."

"And the other three?" Miller added

"I think the news mentioned them all going to a golfing event at some resort in West Virgi...".

Before he could finish his sentence, he stared at Miller, who stared right back, both had expressions of disbelief before the captain broke the silence.

"Whats left of the United States Government is currently at the resort we've just been ordered to rally at?" Miller said rhetorically.

He turned to look at O'Neill, who was still chatting to Weber.

"Sergeant, how far to White Springs?" he questioned.

"Ehh Not to sure sir, the terrain is making travel difficult, we are maybe half way to it" O'Neill added.

"We have to get there sooner; squad form up on me and double time it." Miller barked as he burst into a sprint.

"What's going on?" Weber asked, as he and O'Neill caught up to James.

"The last remneants of our government are at White Springs." James said.

"Holy shit" O'Neill muttered as he and the rest of the squad continued on their sprint, inching closer to the resort.

"We may be one of the only units in the AO, that means we need to get there now." Miller said as the others caught up to him.

About an hour had passed as the team drew closer to their target. The Squad were all running on fumes as O'Neill remarked.

"With all due respect sir, I'm a pilot not a grunt, I'm meant to sit on a heated leather seat, not huff it across a mountain range"

"I don't know what your problem is Sarge, I could easily keep this pace for a few more hours" Weber laughed.

"That's because you're wearing a suit of advanced power armour, that thing could carry you cross country without even breaking a sweat" O'Neill panted.

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