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Snow- Time for a baby momma meeting!!

Belle- BAD TIME!!!!!!

Snow- Why?

Belle- Zelena is in labor! 

Snow- Oh...

 Hours later.....

Belle- She had twins!!!

Snow- What are their names?

 Belle- She gave them my last name!!! One is Evelyn Rose French and the other is Isla Vivienne French!

Snow- Cute!!!

Belle- Ye-

Belle- Oh No...

Snow- What happened!?

Belle- My water just broke!!!

Snow- Oh jeez you both are having your babies!!!

Belle- I guess...

Hours later... (A/n I'm too tired to specify)

Zelena- Belle just had her babies, She also had twins!!!!


Zelena-  She named them Rebecca Leigh French and Emile French! (A/n yes they are named after the actresses who played Zelena and belle Rebecca Leigh Mader and Emilie De Ravin)

Snow-Cute, Well you should both spend time with your babies now talk to you tomorrow!

Zelena- We all say bye!

(Everyone logged off)

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