A Potion!

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This is a private chat between Queen and Mr.Gold

Queen- This is Mr. Gold's Number Right?

Mr. Gold- Yes....What do you need?

Queen- I would like a potion that ages me to about....Belle's age.

Mr. Gold- Why???

Queen- Not telling!

Mr. Gold- Ok....

Queen- What do you want in return?

Mr.Gold- Nothing Dearie

Queen- Nothing? Seriously?

Mr. Gold- Nothing I'm serious...

Queen- Ok! Why do you put so many dot dot dots?

Mr. Gold- Why do you ask so many questions?

Queen- Because I do

Mr. Gold- There's your answer...

Queen- Drop the potion off at my room later.

Mr. Gold- Okay Dearie. Anything else?

Queen- No! Bye! Have a good day!

Mr. Gold- Bye Dearie. Have a good day.

(Everyone has logged off)

Hi! Thanks for reading! Guess why I want the potion...

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