Honeymoon Planning

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(Private chat with Queen, Rumple, and Snow)

Snow: Queen! Rumple!

Queen: What?

Rumple: What do you want to plan this time?

Snow: Why would you assume I want to plan something?

Rumple: Because you always do.

Snow: Fair point, We need to plan your honeymoon!

Queen: Right now!?

Snow: Yes right now!

Queen: What's first?

Snow: Budget!

Rumple: Same as the wedding budget.

Snow: So, As much as it takes, Next up, Where do you want to go?

Queen: Australia!

Rumple: That was quick...

Queen: Please Rumple, Can we go to Australia?

Rumple: Sure, dearie

Queen: One moment, I have to buy the plane tickets.

Snow: Schedule it for three days from today.

Queen: Ok!

Snow: I'll come to your house and pack everything for you! Also, have a week-long honeymoon!

Queen: Ok, Bye!

Snow: Bye!

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