Game Over

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Luxury POV

"Don't forget the essay you all are assigned due then end of this week" My teacher Mr.Woods said making kids start talking shit but soon the bell rung I gathered all my things since me and Unique only had 4 classes I got to spend one more class together before it was time for lunch

I walked out and seen everybody going with their groups of friends and talking not moving fast enough the hallway was literally crowded and me being only 5'2 make it no better

"Luxury" I heard and since it was so may people I couldn't point out who called me I turned around and I felt somebody jump on my back "hi I missed you" Unique said hugging me "girl you seen me last period I was coming to get you" I said pushing pass people

"Oh really" she said giving me a you lying look "I'm serious I really was" I said laughing we continue walking until I felt somebody bump into me hard ass fuck almost making me fall but Unique caught me

"Bitch"- before Unique could finish her sentence Dreezy and her friends started laughing "Its cool it ain't that deep" I said grabbing Unique "you wasn't gone do shit anyway" Dreezy said walking away with a little switch

"She got one more time and imma fuck her up she fucking with the wrong one" Unique said

Unique was short ass fuck but still would body a bitch and I'm a witness.

"I'm not fucking playing I will show a bitch ain't to be fucked with especially over you" she said looking as we walked to our Math class

"I can handle myself" I said as we walked up the stairs "I'm not letting you handle shit I know yo ass is dangerous you worked hard not to be that other girl so if that mean I gotta fight botches left to right just so she don't come out then it's gone happen" she said and I hugged her

I was always getting picked on in middle school ever since Unique left to Orlando not because I was scared but because I wasn't a fighter one day I snapped and sent a girl to the emergency and was held for two months

After that I was fighting my whole middle school years I was sent to Juvi cause I fight to kill and the only reason I was able to graduate is because I had all straight A's

I took a seat in the back and sat my stuff down "aww my favorite student how are you"Mr.Iris asked me as he finished the last of the notes on the board "I'm fine how's your wife" I asked his wife was dealing with Cancer and he's been stressed lately

"Not so good but I'm hoping she will" he said handing me a paper "and you must be Mrs.Reed" he asked Unique with a smile and she nodded "well Luxury can you meet me after class" he asked and I was a little skeptical but nodded

"I'm guessing your everybody favorite"Unique asked with a smile "I mean what can I say" I said a lil cocky we started writing down the notes until the bell rung and the room filled up with laughter and unnecessary screaming

"Alright everybody please take a seat" Mr.Iris said with his deep accent "no work today but if you can all turn in the essay and homework I assigned two weeks ago" he said knowing no one did it "damn we had homework"a boy said causing people to laugh

"Yes Mr.Fisherman we did now did you do the work" he asked walking towards me and I handed everything to him "Thanks Favorite Student anyone else" he asked "we all know why he's her favorite Student" One of Dreezy friends Mya said making people snicker

"Bitch if you need extra help because yo ass dumb just say that" Unique said to her

"Aye chill you know that's Jooney bestfriend he'll knock yo head back" this boy said winking at me

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