Intro Part2

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Jooney POV

Wassup y'all as y'all know my name Jooney, it ain't my real name but I'm sure that will come out a little later in the story. I got this name when I was Younger because of my mom I don't know where her ass got it from but it was good enough for me because I hate my real name.

But since we got introduction going on I'll talk y'all a lil bit about a nigga. I'm 18 grown ass fuck I got my own crib when I was 17 because my mom signed my lease and shit. I got my first Car at 16 my mom had bought me a Mercedes truck and that been my baby ever since.

Imma clean ass nigga my house ain't never dirty, car ain't never dirty, I like to smell good for my ladies you feel me. All my clothes and shoes I got never have a speck of dirt simple.

This not a flex but imma mean ass nigga, but I always wasn't like this when you in this game you can't be all nice and shit people take advantage so if you ain't my fam or somebody I fuck with fuck you respectfully.

I got deep waves, yeah I be on my shit. I'm dark skin, I'm 6'3 last time I went to the doctor and if I was to ever smile I got some deep ass dimples. I think that's y'all need to know fa now

Unique POV

I feel hella special that I gotta POV. But imma give some enlightenment on ma life as y'all know I came to surprise Luxury. She don't know this but I was getting into it with my moms boyfriend because basically this nigga tried some shit like touch and feel on me

Since my dad died in a car accident I never met him and my mom went mad crazy not doing drugs or anything but would just do to much she'll blame me for his death and shit like that.

So after I told her that her boyfriend tried to touch me and lost her Shi and tried to beat my ass one I'm not for it so me and my mom started fight moral of the story I beat her ass and she kicked me out and I called Luxury mom and she was ready to beat my mom ass but she bought me a plane ticket and now I'm here

Anywho I'm 17 and I'm 5'4 I always hated my height and I honestly wish I was taller because I don't know why but bitches be trying me cause I'm so small but little did they know Ill knock they head off they shoulders. I'm not really a fighter I'm just hot headed so if you talking shit most likely imma tap dat ass simple

I'm brown skin, I do love my melanin cause can't nobody tell me I'm not a fine ass female with me believing it. I'm a strong minded person but it took a lot for me to get where I'm at because I had my downfalls and didn't always know how to pick my self up

I have curly hair that goes to the middle of my back. I always loved my hair it's like if my hair ain't done I'm not complete I have to be on my p'S and q's when it comes to how my skin look or how my hair to my outfits look Imma picky person when it come to everything if I don't want it or like it then it won't be done

I have hazel eyes, and I'm I would say I'm slim thick I gotta small waist and my butt pretty big in my opinion it matches the rest of my body

I make sure I'm up to part when it comes to everything because when I step out I want all eyes on me you know I like the attention

But I think my last thing is I have three tattoos one on my arm that has a lion with a crown the lion is basically my spirt animal and the crown was me being extra but it's because I feel on top the other one is on my left thigh and I have big roses and my last is on my hand and it said she won't give up and the reasons why I won't and just to add confidence is on my middle finger.

But I think that's it

•what y'all think so far is there anything? I need to work on besides the mistakes

•is the book good for now? Let me know by commenting or messaging me

Hope y'all enjoyed these introductions but it's time for us to head back to the story

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