Part 3

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Riku gave a strong smack against my shoulder. Startled, I almost tripped over my own foot and caught myself at the hallway's wall. Riku waved back at the rest of our friend group and ended up tagging along with me to the classroom.

Laughing loudly at my overreaction, he said, "Dude, how are you still this easy to scare!"

"Hey! To be honest," I reposition myself to face Riku better. "My reflexes are the reason why I'm the top pitcher of our team."

"Sure man. But, you better be ready. Your captain is going to go hard mode in training from now on."

"WHAT?! I thought that we were going to go a bit easier this time, especially since our game is coming up."

"Nah, I want us to really prep for this game. This is our last year in high school. I want us to finish it with a bang!"

Yesterday was when Ayumu confessed to me. For some reason, I don't remember what happened after I went up the shrine stairs. I must have been so tired that I blacked out. But, as soon as I woke up, I found myself in my bed and saw that he was gone. After that, I haven't heard from him for a while.

Staring at Ayumu's empty desk, I couldn't stop thinking about him.

"Hey, Riku."


"Actually, I'm curious. What did you think of Ayumu?"

"Huh, that kid who's been kind of absent these past few weeks? Yeah, never really liked him. Especially with that shit he said to me. That first impression just confirmed that rumor."


Riku really loved to talk about rumors and gossip. It might be why he's so popular with the girls in our class. Even if I'm not a fan for talking about these kinds of stuff, I'm still willing to listen to a friend's rant.

"No seriously, this kid has been all kinds of shit. Here me out. People have been saying that Ayumu was hanging out with a middle school gang and was really close to one of the leaders."

"I see."

"And guess what, the leader ratted him out and instead of protesting against it, Ayumu decided to just take the fall. He got expelled and everything. But, Ayumu's dad is pretty well off, so they just used his connection to get him here. Rich kids honestly have it so easy. Oh, here's the weirdest part, people are saying that Ayumu and that guy were way too close to just be friends. Like a bit too close."

My chest slightly tightened. I scratched the back of my head and responded, "Those are just rumors."

"Okay, well, I also heard that even those shady kids from our year decided to get involved."

"Okay, so?"

"You know those kids who smoked in the back of the school? Yeah, they used to be a part of the rival middle school gang and would constantly break out into fights with Ayumu's old gang. It's honestly so stupid. Can't believe they decided to just take out all the anger on him. From the way they treated him, I wouldn't want to come to school either."

"Wait, they bullied him?... Shit, how did I never notice it. He doesn't even come to our school that much..."

"I'll be honest. You've been so busy with baseball and hanging out with your gramps, I wouldn't be surprised if you haven't heard. Like I know they're saying he's out sick, cause he's been in surgery, but I bet he just ran away. That's what everyone's been saying. You know, how rich families are, they also find ways to hide their children's mistakes."

I have to talk to Ayumu about this at least once.

"Actually Riku, now that I think about it, why the hell do you know this much?"

Riku almost slipped on the desk he was leaning on and caught himself before he fell over.

Then, when he finally adjusted his position, he stammered, "A-ah, well... I just heard it from the team and you asked about it now.... You know it's just been a while since I talked to you! Like you've haven't been really hanging out with me anymor-"

"Sorry, man. I got to go."

"Wait! D-don't you have practice?"

"I know, but I already told the coach that I need to help Gramps with something at the shrine for today. I told you guys that if I'm in the team that this was going to happen once in a while."

"O-oh yeah, umm, if you want, I can come with you to get some snacks or something. You know, before you go to the shrine."

"Come on, Riku. You're the captain. You can't abandon your team like that."

Riku started to fidget as if he was trying to remember something. He suddenly snapped his finger and said, "Oh yeah! Actually, Eiji?"


"Sorry, I was wondering. You've been so busy these days and I haven't seen you much, but I just wanted to check in. You haven't been getting those 'nightmares' again, right?"

I froze for a second until I noticed my hand shaking and immediately held it down to make sure Riku didn't notice.

I tried to force a smile and replied, "I'm good! Don't worry about me! Just focus on the game!"

"I just wanted to make sure I wasn't pushing you or anythin-"

"I'M FINE!" I tightened my hand around my trembling left arm. "I said I'm fine..."

Riku noticed that I was holding back my shaking arm, so he slightly retracted back and said with a more gentle tone, "Okay, just remember I'm always here to talk to you..."

"Yeah, for sure. Next week after our big game, let's go to an arcade or something."

"Yeah! No big deal!" Riku maintained his smile as hard as he could, but I could tell that he was frustrated at himself. Since we were little, he would always squeeze his fist when he was trying to hold himself back. As I packed for my thing, I briefly saw Riku's expression drop for a second, showing a bit of sadness...

Leaving the classroom, I gave him a light pat on his shoulder and he responded with a weak laugh.

I know I was the one who was uncomfortable, yet I felt guilty about how I reacted. Maybe it's just cause I haven't talked to him for a while that he's been worrying about me. Now that I think about it, I've been hanging out with Ayumu in my free time. I haven't even hung out with my school friends for a while. How long has it been since I talked to Riku like this?

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