Part 5

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The loud chimes of the bells echoed in the shrine and the beat of the drums blended with the hums of the prayer. I sat next to the person who we were praying for and continued to watch Gramps do his prayer session.

Every Sunday, we would have at least one person we would pray for. In exchange for not doing shrine chores on certain days, I would have to help Gramps with his prayer's sessions. The sessions can last a whole day or just for one day, but for this Sunday, we only had one person we were praying for.

Gramps knew him personally, so we decided to provide a private praying session for a close family member of his. He didn't feel comfortable disclosing any more information other than that. So, we decided to just help him with his prayer and provide him the closure he needed.

The older man heavily prayed along in the session and mumbled loudly of his wishes. After an hour of prayer, Gramps finally settled down and bowed towards the older man.

With an aggressive bow, he stood up and we helped him out of the shrine.

As we watched him leave, I felt Gramps place his large hand on my shoulder, causing me slightly jolt up.

He looked down at me with a shift in his expression from gentleness to a silent anger. "So, you seemed to be much busier these days. What seems to be keeping you from doing your chores?"

I felt my skin starting to sweat into my traditional prayer's attire, making me adjust my collar. "Ah, it's just that I've been practicing my baseball for the upcoming game, you know?"

Gramps gave a loud sigh and turned back to the small table. He signaled for me to sit across and waited to speak until I settled in front of him. "Eiji, I know you have been hanging out with your friend again."


Gramps must have seen Ayumu run out of the house that early morning. Usually Gramps would be sleeping on the other side of the house, but I guess, it's possible that Gramps was cleaning the shrine that morning.

He continued, "I understand you're young but that is not an excuse to be skipping on your duties. Remember that you are going to be the next in line to lead this shrine and I want to make sure that you learn your role."

"I understand."

"I know after the 'incident', everything is a little different... But, I hope you know that I am a priest not only for the people, but I am also your family. If you wish to speak with me, then I'm her-"

"I-it's okay. I don't need to trouble you with such small things."

"I see. But, I still need to make sure, you haven't been seeing those 'things' again?"

Ah, of course, it was brought up again...

"Not really. I haven't had them for a few years."

Grandpa leaned to his right a little and started to adjust the items on the table. He always did that when he was in deep thought or trying to figure out what to say next.

Only an "incident" would be undermining the pain I went through.

It's been almost three years since my parents passed away. I just graduated from middle school and was prepared for a new beginning. But on the same day, my parents went into a violent argument in the middle of driving. Blinded by emotions, my father wasn't focused on the intersection and one careless turn, caused a horrible crash.

It was a miracle.

l came out of the accident without a single scratch on me, but it was the aftermath of the event that impacted me the most. For about two weeks, I had a horrible fever. My consciousness would keep slipping in and out of a fever. I kept seeing strange figures around me like disfigured humans calling out to me. I could barely make out what I saw that it would terrify me. I even had night terrors in the middle of day, when Riku and Gramps would visit me.

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