part 1

217 9 3

( m/n) : male name.
( F/f/n): faforite flower name.
( N/m/n) : new mother name.
( R/n) : random name.
( F/f) : faforite food.
( E/c) : eyes color.
( H/c) : hair color.
( L/h) long hair.
( L/n) : last name.
( N/L/n). : New last name.

Ten year later~

( M/n) Pov


"ugh" I then opened my eyes slowly and blinked.

I then looked at the clock on my desk that showed 07.00 A.M, I immediately widened my eyes in surprise.

"was that long I fell asleep" I thought, surprised.

I immediately got up and went to my bathroom, after I showered I put on my clothes.

after that I went straight out of my room and headed for the dining room, I then thought about my dream that had been happening to me.

"Who are they? Why do they look familiar to me" I thought.

when I was daydreaming I didn't realize that I was already in the dining room.

I then shook my head and threw away thoughts about it, I then cooked (f / f) after that I would call my grandmother.

skip> after eating

After I had breakfast I then washed my dinner plate, after that I went straight to the living room.

in the living room>

I then took my cellphone and called my grandmother's number.

Riing ... Riing ... Riing ...-

"hello?" said someone.

"hello grandma !!" I said.

"oh! my dear (m / n) grandson! how are you there?" said my grandmother.

"I'm fine Grandma! But I should have asked that to grandmother, how is your grandmother there ... Grandma must be alone there" I said worriedly.

I then heard my grandmother's voice chuckle, it made me smile a little. "Grandma here is fine and grandma is not alone," said my grandmother.

I was immediately shocked by what Grandma said. "what do you mean grandma?" I asked.

"Did you forget (m / n)? Before you moved you gave your grandmother a pet" said my grandmother.

I then patted my forehead who forgot about it.

"I ... forget ... that grandma" I said sweatdropped.

"Oh yes ... (m / n) have you found the thing that your grandmother said?" asked my grandmother.

"Yes ... I've found it, Grandma" I said with a smile.

I then hold a necklace around my neck. "Good! Grandma is happy you can find this object" said my grandmother.

"But ... why do you want to tell me about this thing?" ask me.

"Because you are the only successor of your father (m / n), you are very similar to your father and i want you to protect that necklace" said my grandmother.

I then smiled slightly sadly at the same time.

"So what about Sherry there Grandma ... is she naughty there" I said, changing the conversation about my father.

"Oh! Sherry, she's fine, she often makes your grandmother happy just like you make your grandmother smile," said my grandmother.

I then chuckled after hearing what my grandmother said.

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