part 4

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No one POV
"(m / n) ... please hold on !!" shouted his father.

after a few minutes the ambulance came and took (m / n) to the hospital, there was no change at all from (m / n) and it worried his father.
"I beg ... hang on ..." murmured his father.

then the ambulance stopped and the medics immediately took out the (m / n) carefully and took him to the emergency room.

his father continued to be beside his son with tears rolling down his cheeks, then the doctor who handled it stopped his father (m / n) and asked him to wait.

then the doctor immediately entered the emergency room quickly leaving the father (m / n) who was sad and kept begging to save his son.

"keep hoping (m / n)" thought his father.

(m / n) POV

my body feels sick and heavy, my breath feels tight I winced in pain that I had been through so far, when I winced in pain I suddenly saw a light in front of me.

I feel warm and comfortable, the pain in my body is slowly disappearing.

"(m / n) !! please hold on !!" someone shouted.

who shouted at me?

"Come on (m / n) !! You can't give up, you still have unresolved requests !!" shouted someone again.

who exactly is that voice !?

"(m / n) my dear ... we love you son." Said someone softly.

Who are they!? why do their voices sound familiar !!

I can see someone in front there, I then narrowed my eyes because of the bright light.

I can see a little of the person's traits, I can see 3 figures.

Figure 1 is a boy, has hair (h / c) and red eyes.

figure 2 is a woman, has white hair (h / L) and (e / c).

and the last one is a boy, has hair (h / c) and eyes (e / c).

(m / n) then realized who it was, one of them was his parents and the little boy was the friend that Nightmare was talking about.

"father ... mother" I muttered.

"don't give up (m / n) !! dad never told you to give up !!" said my father.

"You have someone you care about out there my dear ... so don't give up." said the mother softly.

then the boy approached me and smiled softly "please take care of them both (m / n), I know we are the same but you are my reincarnation ... where people who have died get a chance to live but our memories are erased and must remember again one day.

So please if you have remembered who you really are ... please take care of them and love them with all your heart, because they looked devastated at my death, "said the boy.

I looked at him with worry and sadness "OK ... but I can't promise that." I said.

"I know that, we both can't keep promises from each other." said the boy with a smile.

then he got up and was next to my parents, then the three of them smiled at me the last time "we miss you (m / n)" said my parents.

"I entrust that trust to you (m / n)." said the boy.

then the three of them blew away with the light shining on me.

I immediately opened my eyes quickly, I then felt my body aching in my body.

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