Chapter two -goodbye-

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I hope your days been good<2 sorry for the late update lol x


the next day

Y/n POV:

I wake up to loud banging on my door, "Y/N?" A staff yells "huh? YEAH?" I yell back wondering what they woke me up yelling for, "Finally your awake! Get dressed and come to the foyer immediately, we have someone here for you." She says before walking away, "huh people coming to see me? It couldn't be the family, would it?" I whisper to myself, I shake the thoughts out of my head. I climb out of my warm bed and shuffle over to the wardrobe, I put on a dark blue jumper and black jeans. I go to fix my hair and realize I slept in Wilbur's beanie, I slightly smile remembering yesterdays advents. I take the beanie off to brush my hair, I plat it then pull the beanie back over it, it's comforting. I hide my dagger under my hoodie (A/n so like you pull the hoodie up and it like in the best of the jeans but its covered up by the jumper yk?), put on some fluffy black socks and head downstairs. I round into the foyer and see Wilbur, Tommy, Techno, Phil and Jones, "they actually came back" I whisper to myself before walking towards them all, making my presence clear. "That all wor- Oh hi Y/n" Jones says to me, "Hello Jones" I turn towards the family of four "and hello to you Wilbur, Tommy, Techno and Phil" Wilbur starts to giggle "you've got my beanie on hehe" he says quietly, I start giggling with him. "Hello y/n. So we came to a decision that we would like to adopt you, if that's okay with you of course." Phil says straight to the point. I'm shocked, I've never been asked if it's alright with me, they just come and make me go. "i, uh wh- huh?" I eventually get out, "y-your giving me an option?" I asked confused, "well of course, but if you don't want to that's okay it ju-" Phil says, I start to believe that these people are actually nice- no y/n don't get to trusty now, they could be the same. I cut off Phil "I would love to" I say with a half fake half real smile on my face. "Wonderful!" Jones says instantly "Y/n take Will and Techno to your room so they can help you carry everything, I just need to finalize some things with Phil" He says with a smile. "Okay" me, Techno and Wilbur says at the same time, "well follow me I guess" I say with a small smile while walking away. We make some small talk before I stop outside my room, "it's not the cleanest considering I didn't know this was happening but oh well." I warn before pushing open the door, to the right of the door is my guitar in it's case, in the middle is a bed and to the left of that is my bookshelf.  "Alright, I'll go for the guitar, Techno put the books in the bag, and y/n you can pack your cloths, sound good?" Wilbur says "okkey" I reply "suuree" Techno says already going over to the shelf.

-time skip cause I don't wanna write them packing it all hisbjh-

After we all finish packing we head downstairs, I put my bag on the ground looking for something important. I realize I left it in my room and excuse myself to go and get it. Once I get into my room I run around trying to find my locket, the locket has me and my blood parents smiling while holding me in their arms. I walk back out and close my door, as I'm walking back down to the foyer someone puts their hand on my shoulder, I quickly turn around and see it's Brandon (A/n sorry if ur name is brandon but yeah <2), he's the biggest bully in here. "Where you think your going y/n?" He starts, "It's not like anyone would actually want you, you'll be here after they finish using you like normal" he says. I pull out my dagger, push him against the wall and put the blade to his throat. (A/n shes popping off) "Don't you dare talk about them like that" I say in my monotoned voice, "they are different, I know they are." "Psh wanna bet, no one will ever love you." Brandon says once more, this makes me angry. I start slowly pushing the blade into his neck, watching him scream in pain before I stop and leave. I walk back into the foyer and see everyone's eyes on me "oh geez y/n you scared us, I thought you wouldn't come back" Tommy jokes, I chuckle, "did anyone else hear those screams?" Phil asks to everyone, I realize I'm still holding the blade, so I put it back into my best handle, "nope" I say. "Okay well, I guess it's time to go" Phil says with a smlile, everyone agrees and starts heading for the doors. I was slowly walking out with Phil until I hear a cough behind me, Jones. I swiftly turn around and hug him tight, "I'm going to miss you y/n" he says sounding sad, "don't worry, knowing my luck I'll see you soon" I say with a small smile, "don't miss me too much, I'll see you soon" I say before turning around and walking back up to Phil.

Phil POV:

We start heading out to the car when y/n turns around and hugs someone, Jones. "I'll miss you y/n" he says, "Don't worry knowing my luck I'll see you soon" she says with a small smile. I tune out of their conversation and think about what she said. 'see you soon' what does she mean? I know she has a bad past with house's, but I promise to myself that I'll make this house the best, and her last. I hear footsteps beside me so I look down and see y/n walking with me, we have a short conversation while we walk to the car. 

-time skip to when we get to like their house hadsnji-

Y/n POV:

Phil pulls up to thei- well, my house. It's huuuge. "Alright kids, everyone out" Phil says as he stops the car, I don't know why him calling me a kid made me happy, but it did. We get out of the car and grab my bags. I thought the outside was pretty, the inside was much better. "Okay Tommy can you go show Y/n her room please while I get dinner ready?" Phil asks Tommy "Yeah sure Dad, Y/n follow me" Tommy responds and starts walking up the stairs, I follow Tommy while still in awe of the house. He stops at a door at the end of a hallway, "This is your room, the one next to yours is mine, the one across from you is Will's and Techno's is the one across from me. Phil is on the other side of the hallway as well as the bathroom." Tommy informs me, "Thankyou Tommy" I say as I push open my bedroom door and walk in. "oh my god" I whisper to myself, the room has a double bed, a huge bookshelf, a desk with a chair, a double wardrobe and light and a fluffy light blue carpet on the floor. "I hope you like it" Tommy says while rubbing his neck, "we can go like shopping for room decorations soon if you want this is just what we have right now but we can always get other stuff or if you don't like the color we can change it an-" I cut off Tommy's rambling by a hug, "I love it, thankyou." I say before pulling away, "okay I'll leave you to like put stuff away, come back downstairs when you want to" he says before walking away. I stand in awe of the room for a couple of seconds before I put everything in their place. I put the guitar next to my bed, books on the shelf but the one I'm reading on the desk , and all my clothes in the wardrobe. I thought about going back downstairs, but I didn't feel in the mood for talking, so I grabbed my guitar and started humming away a tune. I heard the door open, I look up and see Wilbur there with his guitar and a new beanie on his head "mind if I join?" He asks with a smile. I giggle "of course" I say as he comes and plops down next to me, we are both playing songs together singing together horribly. I eventually get tired and place down my guitar listening to Will play, I lean my head on his shoulder and hum to the song he's playing, "sweet dreams y/n" was the last thing I heard that night. 

Phil POV:

(A/n this is like while Y/n was putting her stuff away and Wilbur was still down there lol)

Tommy comes back down and sits with us, "did she like the room?"  I ask, "yeah she loved it" Tommy said, I just hummed in return as I go back to the t.v. Around 10 minuets later Y/n still hadn't came down, I was about to go and see if she's okay when we heard someone playing the guitar, Will's eyes light up as he runs up the stairs and into his bedroom. A few minuets later we can hear them playing and singing together, cute. A couple hours pass and everyone is going to bed. I walk up the stairs to go and tell y/n goodnight, when I look in I see y/n snugged up with Will as he's playing a tune to a song. He looks up and smiles so bright "cute, good night Will" I say before turning away, going back to my bed.



kinda short but wanted to add some bonding tingz 

I hope you liked it please vote and comment any feeback :P 

(1687 words) 

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