Little reminder

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-random pictures of Toga since shes cute-

Hey! So just a quick little thing.

If someone say to kill yourself or hurt yourself. Do. Not. Do. It. I cant say this enough.

You kill yourself a they win. Once your dead people will notice how bad they really hurt you. You might think itll be better but it wont be.

In 5 years you could have a best friend and they are the best person you have ever met. But then you remember how you almost didnt get here.

All you need to do is wait. Wait for the day you are around people who love you for you. Wait for the day you meet your  idol. Wait for the day you can say proudly.

I made it. I pushed through. I kept going even when people held me back. I made it past that.

You will forget about this someday. And maybe this doesn't help at all. But if your reading this...

I am proud of you. You see this. You read this. You made it to the point where you can read this.

I cant make any promises but... it will get better. If no one has made you smile. If you havent heard a I'm proud of you. Then I'm proud of you.

Push on a rule your own kingdom.

I'll see you in the next post if you maybe add to library or a list. See you later my princes, princesses, and royal lovelies. Or should I say Kings, Queens, and Royalty Leaders. Much love
                           -Lonley Works

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