How we doings Royals?

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Ok hey my lovely Royals. This is a check in and a rant chapter. So if you want answer the lines somewhere go ahead!

Ok how you feeling right now?

How were you feeling an hour ago?

How about your day? Did you do something fun? Not so fun?

How many times have you ate today? Is that the amount your body needs?

Go drink some water.

Come on now, tell me something you learned. It could be as little as learning new math or learning a new language.

What stressed you out?

Take a few deep breath right now.

Y'know when you take a deep breath you manually breath? Weird.

What's something in the room that's cute, funny, or cool?

Rant here. (Add "do not reply" if you dont want me to)

You are so so so loved my Royals even it's hard to see.

Teach me something you know.

Here's something: you never can't see yourself the way others do. But trust me if someone says your cute (fluffy way" they aren't lying.

Ok my Princes, princesses, and Royal lovelies, much love and supports!

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