6 to 1

9 0 11

Right now think about yourself. Not what someone said. In your head or on paper or speak it out loud. I want you to list 6 things you want to make better 5 things you like about yourself. 4 things you love about yourself 3 things bothering you 2 things that help you relax and 1 thing you want to do someday big or small.

I just made that up. But I think I'll call it 6 to 1 list.

Now if you see this use this line for rants.

This line if you need help

This line if you just saw this

And this line for anything else on your mind

Ok! That's it for now. You are loved even if you can't see it yet. You are worth it even if people put your down. You are Princes, Princesses, and Royal lovelies that will raise above a be even more amazing than you already are. See you royals later (dog on top is my dog Nema!)

1-877-542-7233 is safe to tell number (If you feel in danger everything is anonymous so text or call)

800-273-8255 Suicide hotline

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