How have you been?

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Hey! Sorry for not posted sooner! But! Right now is a check-in. When the see this I want you to tell me how your feeling. You can talk about why you feel like that or just say your feeling and leave. You know what? I want you to tell me three things

1. How are you feeling (Be honest)

2. What's something that good happened, it could be anything big or small.

3. What one is the thing you are excited about?

And because I don't want this to be weird on how you tell me but you don't get something for me.

1.I'm tired and a little in pain, my ankle with smashed by a seesaw but it's getting better.

2. 1 thing that happened is I hung out with an old friend and met a new friend (She was like 6 but I and my friends played with her for a while)

3. I spent 5 dollars on many hot topics on plushes and they should be here this week.

Now for the part where you say something you need to get out. Use any line after this point.

Here's mine: After the little girl left the park and my friends were just relaxing talking about anything we could. But the lady who we all (at least I knew) knew she was racist and a Karen. But her kid and a few other kids were playing hide and seek, her kid was found and the mother didn't take that well. I noticed and watched the mom give dirty looks at this one girl. Now her kid was found a lot of the time by everyone but she was only glaring at a small black girl.  When they were leaving we were close by and heard the worst thing you could hear a mother say holding her kid's hand and talking about a SIX-YEAR-OLD GIRL, she was cussing out is a kid to her 6-year-old and just went on and on. Now me and my friends spoke up. saying how rude she was, how that's a six-year-old, your cussing right now to your child, and how she was with a lot of kids. It still makes me mad and it happened 2 days ago. (To clear it us that park had a lot of kids and parents or grandparents there. All races were there, but she was looking at the black kid a cussing about her.)

Ok, that was a lot if you read it cool if not cool. I will see you later princes, princesses, and royal lovelies

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