Chapter 4: Dungeon Run

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"I hope you give me somewhat of a challenge, please?" Ren asked politely as the giant dragon opened its mouth and spat fire at him.

Ren didn't bother dodging. A screen popped up in front of his face stating that he was taking fire damage at .00087 percent a minute. Incidentally, his self-healing spell automatically recovered ten percent of his health every second. He yawned as he walked over to the dragon. Rolick swiped at him with a clawed paw. Ren had wanted this development.

He held out his staff and as it connected with the Dragon's paw, he chanted the spell, "Death."

Rolick froze, one of his claws just inches from Ren's face. The dragon's red leather skin turned a murky black. He burst into flames and disappeared. Where the dragon stood, a large wooden brown chest dropped to the ground and an opening in the wall appeared along with a staircase leading up. Well, that was the last Death spell I can cast for the day. Guess I'll have to use something else going forward. Ren walked over to the chest and opened it. Inside was some gold and a tiny silver ring with a sapphire on it. He inspected the ring.

"The Infinity Ring! Great. I didn't even need to go through the whole dungeon." Ren picked up his prize and deposited it in his inventory. He turned back the way he came and tried to head back to the entrance, but a barrier blocked him. A screen popped up in front of his face, stating that the only way out was to beat the dungeon or die. Teleportation spells wouldn't activate. It also added insult to injury by stating that if he died, he forfeited all his treasures. "What! What bullshit rule is that? If I die, I'll lose the ring! Screw it! Speed, Speed, Speed."

Ren's triple spell made him faster than a race car, but only for three minutes. He headed for the stairs that had appeared after the dragon had perished and burst into the next level where even stronger monsters were ready to greet him. Holding his staff behind him, he shouted, "Mine, Mine, Mine!"

As he ran through the throng of monsters while dodging their attacks, he left his presents behind him. He could hear the screams but didn't look back as he continued to ascend. Within the three-minute time limit he ascended to the tenth and final floor. Sitting on a throne of fire and skulls was a large red orc with the title: Forlick the Flame Emperor. The orc stood at Ren's entrance and howled.

Ren didn't give him time to pull his giant flaming sword from his back. He held out his staff, angry at how annoying the dungeon was, and let off one of his best spells. "Gravity!"

A giant blue ball of void magic slammed down on Frolick and pinned him to the ground. Ren walked up to the growling orc. He raised his staff, his eyes burning with anger as he stared down the Flame Emperor. "If you'd just have let me leave, then this wouldn't have happened. No one stands in the way of my love for Mary-chan. Reaper."

A large black scythe extended from Ren's staff and cut off the Emperor's head, causing instant death. Reaper was his most powerful spell, but he could only use it once every earth day, not once every game day. The orc's body disappeared, and Ren quickly collected the reward, not even looking at the contents before heading to the portal circle that would take him back to the entrance. He paused before he went through and looked back at the throne. Screw this shitty dungeon. Just for kicks and self-satisfaction, he held up his staff, letting off another spell. "Large bomb plus amplify fifty-fold."

Ren hopped through the portal before the bomb went off. When he was back at the entrance, a bunch of pop-ups appeared in front of his face. He ignored them and pulled out a teleport scroll, but before he could rip it in half, he heard a massive boom. He turned back to the mountain and his mouth dropped open when he saw that the top was gone and large boulders were falling from the sky, heading right for him. Quickly, he ripped the scroll in half before the falling rocks could bury him. A white light engulfed him and the next thing he knew he was in the city of Amore in the heart of the merchant district.

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