Chapter 11: Healing

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"That's amazing, you've practically healed overnight." The healer marveled at the tissue on Ren's shoulder that was already scarring.

"I-Is that normal?" Ren glanced over at Mary, who was pouting at him. Did I upset her again? We haven't even gone on a date yet, and we're already off to a rocky start.

"No, it's not at all. You must have amazing regenerative powers!" The healer changed out his bandages and reset his sling. "You can go out just don't overdo it. The wound has closed, but it still seems tender."

The healer stood up to take his leave, and Mary saw him off. When she came back, she looked even more irritated than before.

"Mary-chan, are y-you upset at me?" Ren asked, crestfallen.

She seemed to notice his distress and looked away. Her brow furrowed. "No... I just wanted to take care of you longer..."

"Oh... OH!" Ren blushed, feeling shy and turned away. "T-thank you for everything you've done for me so far."

He heard her let out a sigh. He looked up and found her staring at him with her bottom lip stuck out. "That's not fair, being sweet like that."

Ren's ears burned, and he tried not to let out a nervous giggle.

"Anyway, let's go out and see if they still have your account at the bank." Mary flitted about, getting ready to go out.

She's mad. Mary gave him a small old beaten-up saddle bag to carry his money in and hang on his good shoulder. He instinctively picked up his staff.

"What are you doing? Weapons are prohibited unless you're leaving the city," Mary scolded him and took his staff from him. She leaned it up against the wall. "It will be fine. The guards are out and about right now. Father always makes sure the merchant district is well guarded."

Does he? I wonder if he's being a little bias. He didn't argue with her. After she'd locked up, she led him outside to the merchant square. Sliding her arm around his good one, she held onto him. Ren fidgeted at the proximity. It was his first-time walking arm in arm with a woman. She directed him to leave the merchant area and head for the wealthier part of town. As they walked, he felt like people were watching them.

"Mary-chan, are people staring at us?" Ren asked, keeping his voice low.

She blushed and whispered back, "You stood out as a flicker. Most people know who you are. I'm sure it's gone around town already about you becoming a normal person. They're probably curious."


Ren looked around as they walked. Many of the shops were familiar. What was hard to get used to was buildings he couldn't get into in Y.O.W were being opened and closed. He saw lots of people coming and going. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a pale blue figure walking through the street. This person was unique. They were dressed in long robes and holding a staff.

"Mary-chan, is that...?" He pointed to the person.

"A flicker," she confirmed for him.

Ren watched the adventurer from Y.O.W entering a clothing shop and coming out quickly with new gear. His entire body was blue. He looks like a glitching game character. The flicker quickly hurried their way, and to Ren's surprise, he didn't seem to see them. He pulled Mary out of the way right as the adventurer almost ran into them. He wasn't fast enough, and their shoulders touched or should have. The person faded right through him just like he would certain NPC's.

"You don't need to dodge them. They can't touch us," Mary explained, then put her finger to her lips. "But thank you for trying to protect me."

Ren swallowed and nodded, too embarrassed to say anything else. Once they recovered, they headed for their destination. In the wealthy district of Amore was a large brick structure with enormous glass windows and a massive clock tower on top. Amore Bank. He'd only been here a dozen times to deposit money. Mary gripped his arm a little tighter as they walked up the large brick steps and entered the enormous bank. There were some well-dressed nobles talking with the tellers. A woman in fine 1800s clothing opened her fan, put it over her nose, and eyed Mary's dress as they walked up to a teller. Ren didn't like the way she was judging Mary. The woman noticed him looking at her. She looked scared and hurried away.

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