Chapter 10: Money

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Despite what Ren had been thinking last night, his tired and worn-out body forced him to sleep. When he woke up, he was met with Mary's peaceful sleeping face. He lay there and watched her breath slowly. It wasn't a dream. He studied her face. The curve of her cheekbones, the definition of her lips, and the tiny freckle right next to her nose. She's more beautiful than in Y.O.W. Ugh, I acted like an idiot in the game. Why does she like me? His eyes followed the curve of her neck to her collarbone and to the top of her bosom. Her under gown had slipped in her sleep, revealing more of her top curves than usual.

Ren carefully sat up and looked away. Calm down, Ren. Deep breaths. Focus on something else. Level 82 robes give boosts to most mana, but can also add speed effects... When he calmed down, he slowly and carefully got out of bed so as not to disturb her. Lightly touching his bandaged shoulder, he expected to feel pain but was surprised there was only an uncomfortable twinge. He flexed his left hand and found he'd regained his motor skills. Do people heal quickly in this world? Well, it's nice to know casting magic only effects my body for a night.

He looked around the room and wondered what he should do until Mary woke up. Going outside without her didn't seem like a good idea. The rules of this world seem so different. My common sense might conflict with this world's common sense and get me in trouble. Best take it one step at a time. His gaze fell on his bag. I guess I could take inventory. Picking up his bag with his good hand, he brought it over to the table, opened it, and carefully placed the contents onto Mary's table. He tried not to make any noise so he wouldn't wake her up. He took out the pouch of money he had and emptied it onto the table. Large gold coins, medium gold coins, and small gold coins fell out.

Huh? Y.O.W never had a definition between sizes. It was all added up in credits. What is the value of these? If I remember correctly, I only had enough lil on me at the time to buy basic supplies. He sorted them into three piles and counted. He had about three hundred large coins, five hundred medium coins, and roughly close to a thousand small coins. Turning to the rest of his stuff, he counted out ten potions. The bottles were a different glass design than the ones in Y.O.W. I wonder... He opened one of the blue potions, which he suspected was for restoring mana. Unlike in Y.O.W, he could re-cork the bottle. Among his items, was also various rings and accessories. He recognized most of them and remembered what they would do for him if he put them on.

There was one thing he didn't recognize. It was a small red box. When he opened it, he found a red pendant with the Flame Emperors symbol on it. Did I get this from completing that dungeon? I wonder what it does? He decided not to test it out and closed the box. It was best he be cautious. He didn't want to die twice.

Mary stirred and looked up at him sleepily from bed. She crawled out from under the covers. Rubbing her eyes, she walked over to him. "What are you doing? You should be resting."

"S-sorry, did I wake you?" Ren had always been an early riser.

"No..." Mary scanned her table and froze. "Ren..."

"Oh, s-sorry. I'll clean this up. I never had a pack as a flicker. My stuff was always... Stored elsewhere. So, I-I was trying to see what I had on hand... Mary-chan?"

She walked over to his pile of money and was staring at the large gold coins with her mouth wide open.

"Mary-chan? What's wrong?" Ren looked from her to the pile of coins.

She seemed to snap back to reality and pointed at a large coin. "Can I hold one?"

Ren felt confused at her sudden hesitation. "Sure..."

She picked up the large gold coin like one would a piece of glass and slowly turned it over in her hands. "It's real."

"Well... that's good to know, I guess. What can I-I buy with it? The money system in the world I came from... was different. We didn't have physical coins either it was all in credit," Ren explained.

Y.O.Wजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें