You Filled Up the Empty Spaces Pt.1

948 15 1

𖠚Words: 3562

𖠚Written: January 21, 2021

𖠚Summary: The two boys are talking about having a child. They go through multiple interviews with a few different surrogate mothers, finally coming to a conclusion. The time comes to have the child, but something goes wrong.

⚠️ Smut Warning⚠️

  The television blares in the background, drowning out Mitchel's thoughts. The blue light dances around the room, lighting up every corner. A fluffy grey blanket lay wrapped around him, generating warmth underneath. A loud bang jolts Mitchel awake. A ceramic piece fell and shattered on the floor.
  "Damn it!" Christian quietly shouts from the other room.
  Still, in a haze, Mitchel climbs out of bed to see what the commotion is about. He stumbles into the kitchen, clutching the walls for support.
  "Hey babe, you good?" Mitchel groans grabbing his head.
  Mitchel's braids stand up, almost completely straight, in every direction. His large T-shirt is wrinkled and sideways on his torso.
    Christian looks over to see his husband standing in the hallway, noticing his lack of pants first.
  "Yeah- yeah I'm good. Where are your pants?" Christian chuckles.
  "Huh?" Mitchel looks down at himself and sees only his bright blue boxer briefs, which clung tightly around his legs. "Oh.. yeah, I don't know."
  Christian snickers before replying, "Why are you up?"
  Mitchel slowly walks closer to Christian. He wraps his arms around his neck, pulling the boy in for a kiss. The two boys collide with each other, making Mitchel swell bigger. His budge stars pushing against Christian's leg. Mitchel notices and pushes himself away.
  "I heard something, just wanted to make sure you're good."
  "Yes, I'm alright." Christian caresses Mitty's face with his palm.
  Kras' fingers graze Mitchel's face. Christian's warm hand is inviting for Mitchel, so he rests his head in the hand. With his other hand, Christian tames Mitchel's wild hair. Pulling each braid down to the boy's shoulders.
  "There." Christian sighs.
  He brings his face closer to Mitchels, placing a long, gentle kiss on his husband's oily forehead, "You're so handsome. How did I ever get so lucky?"
  Mitchel's heart thumps against his ribs. He could feel Kras' heartbeat. Beach thump made Mitchel fall deeper in a trance. He never knew just listening to air enter into someone could be so relaxing. With each inhale, Christian's chest moves, moving Mitchel with it.

  Christian couldn't take the feeling of Mitchel's bulge against his thigh any longer. It took every inch of will power he could muster to not cup Mitchel in his hands. He wanted to push him against a wall, and suc-
  "Christian, what are you thinking about?" Mitchel whispers.
  "Uh, n-nothing." Christian stutters.
  "Well, that's a lie. I can hear you moaning." Mitchel chuckles, "Sooo, what were you thinking about?"
  "Fucking you."
  Mitchel pulls himself away from Christian's chest, "Oh?"

  Christian bends his neck, placing his face on Mitchel's neck. His soft skin feels nice on Christian's lips. Christian gently moves his kisses upwards, reaching Mitchel's face. He kisses his bright pink cheeks, which radiate with heat. He kisses his thin lips. Unable to hold himself back anymore, Christian bends down. Wrapping his arm around the other boy's legs, Christian picks him up. Mitchel's legs wrap tightly around his waist. Christian worked out just so he'd be able to do this; but it was difficult first thing in the morning. His arms strain against the weight of Mitchel, twitching with every step.
  "Daddy-" Mitchel moans in Christian's ear.

  Christian carries the boy to the bedroom, where he lays him on the bed. Mitchel's hair goes everywhere when his head meets the mattress. Christian lays on top of the boy, with Mitty's legs still wrapped about him. Kras kisses the small boy's neck.
  Tugging at Mitchel's shirt, Christian whispers, "Take it all off bub."

  Mitchel lightly pushes Christian off of him, ripping off his shirt. He wiggles off his boxers, so nothing else is left on his skin. He lays there on his back, begging for Christian to get inside of him.
  "Turn around," Christian demands.
  The older boy obeys. He flips himself over, so his face is on the mattress, and his hole is exposed.
  "Now put it in the air."
  Mitchel submits, raising his behind in the air. His back curves like an 's' as he waits for his husband.

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