Santa's Little Helper

274 12 10

Words: 789

Written: December 4, 2022

Summary: Mitchel becomes Christian's Christmas helper

Day 2 of Smut-mas!!! Some of these will have to be shorter unfortunatly, but I still hope you all enjoy.


   Glitter falls off the Christmas ribbons, forever engraving itself into Christian's clothing as he wraps gifts. The colorful paper crinkles from Christian's aggressive attempts to wraps it around a box. Rolls of gift wrap paper line the floor at the feet of the kitchen table, bending under and over eachother.

   "Hey bub? Can you get me some more tape from the drawer?" Christian calls to Mitchel who is laying down in the living room.

   The couch cushions ruffle as Mitchel jumps up. The tall brunette hustles over to the junk drawer in the kitchen and begins to rifle through its contents. His large hands shove asside the assortment of random company pens and post-it notes to find a signle roll of clear tape. He grasps the plastic contraption in his hand and shuffles over to Christian without closing the drawer.

   "You just going to leave that open?" Christian glares above his glasses as he takes the tape from Mitchel.

   Mitchel bows his head. His eyes stay on the ground as he makes his way to the drawer and closes it.

   "Thank you my love." Christian stays focused on the wrapping.

   Mitchel looks up from the ground excietedly. A smile grows across his face and his eyes glimmer.

   "What?" Christian places the final piece of tape on this box before looking at Mitchel.

   Mitchel stands in the kitchen holding a small teddy bear between his arm and body. The poor bear has seen better days. His fur all matted and a darker shade than it should be. The dark beaded eyes, scraped from the wear and tear, are no longer able to hold their shine. The stuffing inside the bear, compressed from over time, makes the stuffed animal seem limp and dead as the bear's head hangs from Mitchel's arm.

   "You got Mr.Eddie out again?" Christian drops the tape despenser on the table and walks toward Mitchel.

   "Mhm," Mitchel shyly nods his head.

   "Come here baby" Christian wraps his arms around Mitchel's body and lifts him up.

   Christian props Mitchel up on his hips and carries him to the table. He sets the small boy on the top of the table, next to the gift wrapping station.

   "You want to help daddy?" Christian caresses Mitchel's arm.

   Mitchel eagarly nods his head in response as his long legs swing back and forth under the table. He sets Mr.Eddie down next to him and waits for further instruction.

   "Help me pick out a paper for Pat." Christian squats down next to the pile of gift wrap, "this one?"

   Christian holds up a dark green paper with glittery swirls all over it. Mitchel shakes his head to the side and snarls.

   "No? Okay how about this?"

   The two go back and forth for a bit, trying to decide the next paper to use. They finally land on a colorful scene with Santa Clause and reindeers. Christian picks up the paper and sprawls it across the table, avoiding where Mitchel is sitting. He places a small box in the middle of the paper, lining it up with the grid on the underside. Scissors glide through the paper, effortlessly cutting the thin material. Christian tosses the tube asside and gets to folding the wrapping paper around the small box. His hand glides across the paper, making sure each fold is tight and neat. Each crinkle of the paper makes Mitchel more excited.

   "Can you tear me off a small bit of the tape?" Christian holds the paper against the box.

   Mitchel qucikly picks up the tape and pulls it out. He pushes the plastic tape against the despenser, cutting off a piece many inches long.

   "Thank you so much!" Christian chuckles as he takes the tape off of Mitchel's fingers, "You're such a big help for me."

   Mitchel grins and leans forward. His legs swing faster through the air, shaking the table with each kick. Christian glances over at the other boy and sees the pure joy on his face. He leans over and places a gentle kiss before continnig to tape up the gift.

   Once the gift is finally wrapped, Christian hands the box to Mitchel, "Look how good it looks! All thanks to you."

   A large grin is plastered acorss Mitchel's face as he clutches onto Mr.Eddie again. Christian set the gift asside and picks up another box, this one a bit bigger than the last.

   "What paper for this one now?"

   Christian stares into Mitchel's soft eyes as the two boys continue to wrap gifts through the night.

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