Bite Me

830 15 17

Words: 547

Written: March 31, 2021

Summary: Mitchel and Christian are cuddling when Christian gets up. Mitchel jumps on his boyfriend and bites him, tackling him back onto the couch.

Request by salma_487


Mitchel's large head rests on top of Christian's lap as the two boys watch the television. Blue light swirled around the screen, projecting a new anime series they had just started. The characters leap across the screen. Their thin bodies jump at the sight of a monster, killing it with their sword.

  Christian glides his fingers across Mitchel's skin. Feeling his fragile chest. Christian soaked into the smooth feeling as he continued to run his hand across Mitchel's bare torso. He felt his rib cage. Counting each rib, he moved up Mitchel's body. Kras maneuvers his hand through Mitchel's small pecs, feeling the lack of muscle. He squeezes down on Mitchel.

  "Hey!" Mitchel jumps up. "Why?"

  "It's so squishy." Christian gushes.

  "I thought you said you loved it that way..." Mitchel's voice dwindles in power.

  "I do!" Christian reassures Mitchel.

  "Okay." Mitchel rests his head back on Christian

  Christian rests his hand on Mitchel's still head. Their eyes stay glued to the screen in front of them. Christian's leg bounces against the couch cushion. Bopping up and down on the soft carpet floor.

  "Can you stop it?" Mitchel groans.

  "Sorry, bub. I guess I'm just a little on edge." Christian pushes himself to the edge of the couch.

  Mitchel sits up. His braids become erect, projecting themselves up in the air. "What's up?"

  Christian stands upon his bare feet. The carpet squishes beneath his feet. The tan flooring weaves its way around the pressure of his weight. "I just need something to eat."
  Kras puts his left foot in front of his right. Slowly stepping towards the kitchen. When Mitchel sees Kras start to walk away, he pushes himself up. Mitchel leaps to his feet. His ankles propel him forward. He leaps onto his boyfriend's back, bringing them both to the ground.

  "Oi!" Christian shouts as Mitchel tackles him to the floor.

  Mitchel wraps his arms around Kras' shoulders, making sure he can not be pushed off.

  "Mitch, what the fuck?" Christian tries to push Mitchel off him,

  "No!" Mitchel clings tighter to the other boy.

  Mitchel wraps his mouth around the point of Christian's shoulder. He gently bites down on the boy. "Dwont lmeem meh"

  "What?" Christian continues to push against Mitchel.

  Mitchel removes his mouth from Kras', "Don't leave me.."

  Mitchel's eyes start to water as he watches Kras' shocked reaction. He slowly releases himself from Kras, allowing the two to become separated. The two boys rearrange themselves on the floor. Mitchel crosses his legs, sitting on his right foot.

  "Aw, bub. Don't cry." Christian leans forward. He cups Mitchel's face, wiping off the tear falling down his face. "Here come with me then." Christian stands up, offering his hand to Mitchel.

  Mitchel grabs Kras' hand. Christian yanks Mitchel to his feet. Kras turns around. He bends his knees and hunches his back. Mitchel jumps up on Christian, wrapping his legs around his waist. Mitchel presses his body against Christian's. He leans forward, pressing his face against the other boys.

  "I love you." Mitchel gently kisses Kras' cheek.

  "I love you more."

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