Chapter 6: Caravince vs. Aksia

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Karmen: I'm sorry it took so long for an update on anything. XD. Please vote and comment on what you think of the chapter!

A loud screech came out of a rabid shadow lurker's mouth as the dark, and inky-like creature jumped towards Kathryn before being blasted by a steampunk-looking gun that shot a yellow-ray into the shadow spawn's face, obliterating the monster's entire head.

"I like the gun~," Jasmine chuckled softly as she sat down on a tree stump, watching her old best friend shoot at the other shadow lurkers that approached her. "I wonder how long it'll take until you run out of juice~."

The Asian girl growled as she continued to shoot at the oncoming shadow lurkers. One slashed at her back from behind her, tearing through her outfit and leaving a bloody claw mark on her back.

She shouted in pain before turning around and decimated its head with a single blast of her gun.

After killing a few, she pulled the trigger once more as the gun made a low bass drop sound. It was out of power.

"Crap..." she exclaimed to herself quietly as she saw more of the tar-like monsters approach her slowly yet menacingly.

Jasmine stood up from the tree stump, watching her shadow lurkers surround the steampunk princess. She grins at the sight of this before saying, "If only I had the strength to kill you myself," she giggles. "But I don't have the heart to kill my best friend with my own hand."

"You have the audacity to call me your 'best friend' when you're trying to kill me?!" Kathryn retorts, taking out a stun gun baton as she tried to step back from the shadow lurkers that are closing in on her.

Jasmine raises her hand before closing her palm into a fist, causing the monsters to stop moving any further.

"I'm giving you one last chance," the Latina teen warned. "Join me or be mauled by lurkers."

Kathryn panted heavily, gritting her teeth from the pain in her back from the attack earlier. She raised her baton in the air and spat on the ground, refusing her peace offer for the last time.

"I said no!" Kathryn spat at Jasmine. "You might as well just kill me if you're going this far!"

The Latina girl only glared back at her. "So be it," she said before waving her hand at the monsters. "Kill her."

The shadow lurkers snarl lowly before bellowing, about to leap onto Kathryn to rip and tear through the Asian girl's flesh.

Kathryn let out a loud battle cry, letting the beasts know that she won't die without fighting back.

Before the shadow lurkers had the chance to pounce onto the steampunk girl, a large beam of blue light disintegrated the creatures.

Kathryn gasps in shock from seeing the dark beasts turn into dust from the photonics blast, as well as Jasmine, whose eyes widened in surprise from the sudden beam of light.

The two teenage girls turned their heads to where the blue ray came from.

They were shocked to see the infamous Bang Patonti. Jasmine was looking at the young man, unamused by him, while Kathryn stared in awe and disbelief.

"You girls all right?" Bang asked the two girls, not knowing the hostility between the two.

"Y-You're..!" Kathryn stammers, barely containing her excitement, pointing at the famous abnormal.

"Tsk looks like I gotta leave," Jasmine muttered to herself as she started to create a black portal.

A flying Asian girl hovered towards Bang as another boy the same age as her ran from behind before stopping behind Bang. The younger and handsome Filipino boy was yelling at the older one about teleporting without them as the only girl of the three stared at the two in amusement.

Kathryn stopped staring at Bang and turned his attention towards Jasmine as she saw her creating a portal with her shadow magic.

"Hey!" Kathryn shouted as she ran towards her.

Before the steampunk princess can catch up to the teenage shadow girl, she tried to jump onto the Latina girl to stop her, but Jasmine entered the portal before closing it before she can reach her. Kathryn instead falls onto the ground where the portal used to be.

"Damn it!" Kathryn shouts in frustration as she slammed her fist onto the dirt as Bang and the other two approached her.

"Hey, you ok?" Bang asked as he looked down at the frustrated teenage girl. "I'm Bang, the girl with me is Lucienne, and this guy is my brother Cardo."

"What happened?" Cardo asked the girl on the ground. "Where did the other one go?"

Kathryn slowly pulled herself back to her feet, standing up straight and brushing the dirt off of her clothes as she looked at the three, mostly at Bang.

"I—" before Kathryn tried to explain everything that was going on, she immediately grabbed Bang's hands and looked up at him with admiration. "—I'm a big fan!"

"Christ..." Cardo facepalms himself as he shakes his head.

"I wasn't expecting this..." Luc softly chuckled as she stared at Bang and Kathryn, seeing how surprised he is by the new girl's sudden action.

"T-That's cool and all, but how about we talk about why you're here?" Bang asked, flustering a bit from the attention he was receiving.

"R-Right!" Kathryn lets go of Bang's hands and cleared her throat. She looks around the forest before looking back at the group. "We need to leave here first. We don't know if there'll be more of them."

Bang nodded in response as he held his hand out to everyone. Luc and Cardo held onto one of his hands, Kathryn lastly and excitedly doing the same as they immediately teleported out of the forest.

They later appear back at the apartment, where Cardo and Luc collapse into a nauseating state while only Bang and Kathryn were the only ones that were fine.

"That was awesome!" Kathryn jumped up cheerfully. "It was like using a portal but cooler!"

Bang chuckled at the excited girl. "I'm surprised you're able to not feel sick after teleporting," he said as he walked towards the couch in the living room and sat down. "So, wanna explain what happened?"

Kathryn smiled at Bang and nodded. "Yes! But I need to explain everything from the beginning!"

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