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Grim: Since Karmen wanted to start this, I had no choice but to agree.

Karmen: Hope you all enjoy it!

December 28, 2013
George Bush Center for Intelligence
Fairfax County Virginia

"I brought you all here today to discuss the incident on February 6th, 2012," said a white man in his mid-sixties, grey hair combed back and wore a black suit with a blue tie. "Since then, the media continued to ask questions, and we've kept silent about the topic for two years now."

A group of ten people in suits sat around a conference table. Most of the members taking the meeting seriously by listening and focusing on the eldest man speaking while one member was lying back in his chair with a lit cigarette in his mouth. The man continued to talk.

"The public is becoming impatient, and the rest of Congress is questioning the CIA's actions, and congress want this problem taken care of by the man who started all of it," the man said sternly as him. The other men and women looked at the man in an all-black suit putting a cigarette into an ashtray. "Director Washington, are you listening?"

The man with fair white skin who looks to be in his mid-thirties looked at the eldest man as all the other members in the room stared at the CIA director. He let out a soft chuckle. "Of course I am, Governor Cox," he answered with slight amusement in his voice. "Why would I even be here if I'm not listening?"

A black woman in a suit stood up from her seat and walked toward the chair Washington was sitting in. "With all due respect, director, please take this meeting seriously," she pleaded frustratingly. "Your Awakening project was the last straw; this controversy is worse than MK-ultra; we brought you here today to sort this out, so please, take this seriously!"

"Secretary Green, please go back to your seat," requested the governor kindly as secretary Green glared at Washington before going back to where she sat before. The governor then looks back at the director. "Mason Washington, if you don't take care of this problem, Congress will have no choice but to put you on trial at the supreme court for your crimes."

"Governor, like I said last year, I have this under control."

"Bang De Leon is still on the run and many of your subjects are out there, director!" The governor raised his voice. "If you have everything under control, how come you always fail!?"

The governor slammed his fist onto the table as the room fell silent. The governor sighs. "Mason, we can't continue to protect you any longer."

Director Washington lights another cigarette before putting it in his mouth to smoke it. "I understand governor, and trust me on this, this will be over soon," he said as he stood up from his seat. "I have a plane to Colorado to catch." He walked towards the door of the room before opening it and leaving.

Florence, Colorado
ADX Federal Prison

CIA Director, Mason Washington (codenamed: Man in Black) is escorted to a high-security cell where they kept their most dangerous inmate. The bearded warden leads Man in Black to a steel door that is guarded by four men who were heavily armored and heavily armed with LMG's and shotguns. The door had an electronic keypad lock. The warden entered the four-digit code as the lock made a beep sound before he opened it as the two went inside. They entered another room where an elevator was. There was another lock, this time a keycard scanner. The warden pulled out a keycard and placed it against the lock before it beeped and opened the elevator door.

After going inside the elevator, it brought them to an underground floor. The elevator doors opened, revealing a long cement hallway with armed guards. The Man in Black followed the warden as they reached the end of the hall that had a steel door. There is a biometric fingerprint lock next to the door where the warden pressed his thumb onto the scanner, which then opened the door.

The warden looks at the Man in Black. "You'll be fine being in there alone?"

The CIA director smirked at the bearded man. "I can handle myself," he said confidently before going inside the room. After entering the room, the door closed behind him.

The room was pure white, with lights shining anywhere, leaving no shadows around. There were four security cameras in each corner of the room. The Man in Black walked towards the meter-thick glass wall and saw a man in a white prisoner uniform, and his face was... there wasn't a face at all, despite all of the light in the room, a pitch-black shadow covered the prisoner's face.

"I'm surprised you can still use some of your powers, Black Jack," The director said.

The prisoner who is now known as 'Black Jack' looks at the Man in Black. "Another government lackey?" he asked, his voice toneless and guttural. "As much as I love being interviewed, I'd prefer to be alone today... unless it's a 'tonight.'"

The Man in Black couldn't but grin amusingly at the imprisoned cult leader of the Black Hand: a sinister cult that worships the shadows and darkness, unleashing tar-like creatures to terrorize small towns. He was never told how the police apprehended the psychopath, only knowing that they found him beaten to temporary paralysis from a metal baseball bat they found at the scene. They still don't know who it was that battered the cult leader.

"I'm here to request your services." Answered the CIA director.

"And what kind of service do you want?"

"I just need you to escape this place and do what you usually do."

The lower half of his face appeared from the shadow and a sinister smile was revealed to the Man in Black. "Oh, Mr. Director, you shouldn't be saying that with all these cameras around~."

"Don't worry, they can't hear our conversation right now," the Man in Black chuckled. "I just need a distraction to distract the world, and probably lure out Bang De Leon from hiding."

Black Jacket cackled and looked at him in amusement. "Oh really? Enlighten me," he inquired. "How do you plan on busting me out?"

"Simple really," he pulls out a small remote control with a single button on it. "All I have to do is remove anything that suppresses your abnormal abilities."

The Man in Black pressed the button as the lights in the room turned off, leaving the once bright room in darkness. Glass can be heard being shattered, followed by eerie laughter.

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