Chapter 2: The Valorous Trinity

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Karmen: Here's chapter 2!

Grim: Vote and comment if you enjoyed it.

"Hey, wake up, Bang!" Lucienne shouted at the sleeping nineteen-year-old.

The teen girl was standing over Bang, who was lying asleep on the couch. "Damn bastard just stayed here and slept on my couch..."

Lucienne sighed to herself, knowing she wouldn't be able to wake him up right now, she decided to leave him on the couch and walked towards the kitchen. She grabbed a box of cereal that was on top of the refrigerator. She puts the cereal box on the bar table before opening a cabinet and pulling out two bowls and opening a drawer and taking out two spoons, also placing them onto the white high bar table.

She puts the cereal in the bowl first before pouring in the milk, doing the same with the other bowl. She sat down on a barstool and began eating her cereal. As she was eating, she noticed a small picture frame on the table. She grabbed the frame and looked at the photo displayed in it.

It was a photo of her when she was fifteen-years-old with a pretty brunette boy of the same age. Staring at the picture made Lucienne tremble a bit, remembering her past and everything that happened that brought her to where she is now in the present.

Lucienne's reflection of the past was later interrupted by someone knocking on her door. She puts the picture frame back down and gets off her seat, walking towards her front door.

When she opened the door, she saw a young Filipino man, who is the same age as her, with attractive and broad looks. He had black tapered hair, and he was wearing a black suit jacket and pants, along with a white dress shirt and black casual loafers.

Lucienne couldn't help but scoff at him. "Good to see you, Cardo De Leon."

"You don't sound pleased, Lucienne." Cardo's husky voice said, noticing her irritated look.

"Don't act like you didn't do anything that wronged me."

Lucienne opens the door wide open to let the teen billionaire inside. As Cardo walked in, he saw his brother sleeping on her salmon-colored couch. He sighed at the sight of his brother.

"He's still asleep?" Cardo asked Lucienne.

"He came to my apartment to tell me about some tar monster he encountered," Lucienne answered. "Then, he just slept on my couch."

"He did message me at 2 AM to come here about that. I don't know why here, though..."

Lucienne went back to her bowl of cereal and continued eating it before finishing the dish. She put the bowl in the sink and went back into the living room. She and Cardo are looking down at the government fugitive.

Bang was tossing and turning softly, mumbling to himself until his eyes opened slowly. He looks up to see the two seventeen-year-olds look down at him, like little kids waiting for their mom to get up to drive them to school. Bang groans softly and rubs his eyes.

"Good morning, you two." Bang greeted with a small smile.

Cardo looks at his wristwatch then looked back at his older brother. "It's almost noon," he stated, looking at him with disappointment, Lucienne also giving Bang the same stare.

"Well, damn, guys, no need to give me such shameful stares," Bang chuckled and got up from the couch, stretching his body. "We'll start talking later; I need breakfast."

Lucienne pointed at the bowl of cereal she prepared for him on the bar table by the kitchen as he approaches it. She sat down on the couch, waiting for Bang to finish.

Cardo sat down on a chair and saw a point and shoot camera on the wooden coffee table. "Does it have photos of the monster?" He asked Lucienne curiously.

She answered him by nodding her head. Cardo grabbed the camera and turned it on, looking through its photo gallery. He saw the pictures of the dead monstrosity. Disturbed by the look of the creature, he turned off the camera and put it back on the coffee table.

"Gross, right?" Bang says as he walked up to the two teens with a bowl of cereal in his hands. "Any idea what it is?"

"I don't know. I don't follow up on cryptids." Cardo answered, sighing deeply.

"Oh really?~," Lucienne asked with a mischievous smirk on her face. "Is the mighty Dawk Hood scarwed of the mysterwy monster?~" she asked in a mocking tone as Cardo glares at her.

Bang chuckled at Cardo's response to Lucienne's mockery before turning to her. "Do you have any ideas?"

"I did some research last night," Lucienne continued, getting up from the couch to go to her bedroom. She later came back with an open laptop in her hand. "Besides finding good and bad art, I stumbled upon a blog."

Cardo looked at her with a raised brow. "A blog?"

Lucienne nodded and placed the laptop down on the coffee table, letting them see the webpage on the screen. "A blog by a girl named Phoebe Hazlewood from Bellingham," she starts scrolling down the webpage. "She talked about sightings of the same creature you encountered and even have her own photos she's taken herself." She scrolled down further to show pictures of similar and more disfigured looking black monsters.

Cardo reads the text on the blog and tilts his head a bit. "The multiple sightings of these 'shadow lurkers' are because of a darkness-worshipping cult called 'the Black Hand.'"

"So, all we have to do is go to Bellingham and investigate," Bang said as he has a grin on his face. "Well, I hope you guys aren't busy this week."

Lucienne grins as well. "Finally, some action." She said as she cracks her knuckles.

"We're seriously gonna do this?" Cardo asked them in disbelief. "Monster hunting?"

"When you put it that way, you make it sound awesome." Bang chuckled at his brother.

The seventeen-year-old boy facepalms himself and shakes his head. "This is gonna turn out horribly."

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