You're Just Salty You Don't Have Friends

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An: I don't own anything, just Lily. Also, ya'll can comment. Feedback, comments, questions, concerns, A NY T H I N G. Just don't be an ass. One last thing, I don't remember all the dialogue word-for-word and I'm too lazy to search it up or rewatch it



"Hey Sa-kura." I hear a voice from behind me.

"Looks like the pig's here."

Time to meet my first character in Naruto. AKA, Sakura's ex-best friend.

I'm so going to troll her.


I turn around smiling.

"Sup Ino."

"Seriously? That's not trolling."

Hush. I'm getting to that part.

"What are you wearing? If you think that'll get Sasuke-kun's attention, then you're wrong. He's obviously going to fall in love with my talent and beauty. I don't need to dress up. Just face it, he's never going to love you and your billboard brow." She smirks and flips her blond locks.

I sweatdrop. Well isn't she confident.

I wonder how Sai would feel if he saw you like this.

"He'd probably be upset that his 'Beautiful' liked 'The Traitor'."

Maybe. Oh well, time to get rid of the bad reputation that Sakura has.

"You can have him. I don't like him anymore."

Poor thing. She just looked like she had a seizure.

3rd Person POV

Ino looked at Sakura like she had lost her mind. Her thoughts were running a mile a second. Her brain was circling around, trying to comprehend about what just happened. Different possibilities came up in her mind before she dismissed them then came with new ones.

Was Sakura trying to use reverse psychology on me and Sasuke-kun? Was she just saying that so Sasuke-kun really would like her? No. She would never say that. She would be worried that Sasuke-kun would hear her.

Was this an imposter? No. What would they want with an Academy student? And a civilian one at that?

Was Sakura talking about someone else? No. We were clearly talking about Sasuke-kun.

Was she trying to say something else? Did she not mean to say that? No. What other meaning do her words have? 

Was Sakura drunk? No. She doesn't smell like it nor is she showing typical drunk behavior.

Was Sakura possessed?  No. Just no.

There's no way that Sakura would just give up on Sasuke like that. She gave up her friendship with Ino and fought tooth and nail with her parents to become a proper ninja for Sasuke. She wouldn't do that. She like him too much to do that.

So why was Sakura acting like this?

After gaping at Sakura for a full minute, Ino finally came to a conclusion.

Sakura was on crack.

Her ex-best friend was on drugs.


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