''I don't wanna be with them... I swear'' part 1

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 requested by: no one (just got the idea by myself)

type: angst, fluff


It was a normal day at Hogwarts. I was sitting in Y/H (your house) common room. I was reading a book about death eaters. They are very interesting I suppose, I always wondered how is it like to be a death eater or serving to them. My head was full of thoughts while reading this book but suddenly I heard the door being opened. It was Draco.

- How in merlin's beard you know the password?- I sighed putting the book down.

- Secret. - Draco giggled, I rolled my eyes.

- You know since Christmas is coming would you like to come over to my house for the holidays? - Draco asked in an excited tone.

Yes. I do not have a place to stay on holiday this year. My dad left working for ministry and I would be home alone all the holidays. 

- Sure, I don't have a place to stay on holidays anyway - I smiled at him and he smiled back.

- Pack your things then. We are leaving! - Draco laughed and left Y/H common room. I simply smiled at his action and started to pack my things.

I was ready. All packed up but kinda scared. ''What if Draco's parents won't like me?'' I was pureblood indeed but it still worried me if I would give some bad vibes off. I shook my head to get these thoughts out. I grabbed my bags and went to the hall. Draco was already there waiting with his bags.

- Hi there Y/N! - He says happily.

- And why are you so happy dumbass? - I giggled and looked at him.

- This is my first time bringing a friend over so I'm pretty excited to spend time with you. - Draco scratches the back of his neck looking away. I simply grin and nod.

- Sure thing Draco, but I'm pretty nervous about your parents... - I say sadly. He looks at me with a puzzled look and puts his hand on my shoulder.

- I know it's about my parents Y/N, do not worry my mom is super kind, my dad can be a bit of a jerk but just ignore him. - Draco gives me warm smile. I laugh and hug him.

- I hope it's gonna go well - I sighed. He hugged back and pulled away after a few seconds then picking up his bags.

- I hope so too, come on we don't want to lose the train - He smiles and goes to the train station. I nod and follow him. 

We are now in train. I and Draco are sitting in the same cabin talking about random things like what we gonna do when we gonna be at his house. I looked out the window sighing losing in thoughts. '' I wonder how his mom looks like..'' Y/N no! no more weird thoughts! I knew I prefer girls but I wouldn't fall for someone's mother. That would be super weird. I am thinking of how to greet them and stuff. To be honest I am scared of Draco's dad. He said he's a jerk so this scared me a little. ''What if he's gonna think I'm weird...'' Y/N stop those thoughts.

- Y/N? are you listening? - Draco asked with a worried look on his face. I looked at him and laughed softly.

- Sorry Draco, just got lost in thoughts. What you were saying? - I asked him in a calm tone. I just can't stop thinking about how I'm gonna meet his parents. It's so stressful. 

- I was talking about my mom. She's really kind I just know she's gonna like you. - Draco says with a smile on his face. I smile back and cross my arms.

- I hope so, I don't wanna give your mom some bad vibes from me - I sighed. Draco put his hand on my shoulder.

- It's gonna be okay, I promise - He said with a comforting smile. I nod and drift out with my thoughts. 

We got out of the train. Draco helped me with my bags and we got out our brooms. We got our bags stable on brooms and flew to Malfoy's Manor. We landed in front of his house, got our bags and Draco knocked on the door. His dad opened the door. I was so stressed and looked at him. Draco smiled at me and looked up to his dad.

- Dad, this is Y/N. She's my pureblood friend and I decided to spent time with her on holiday - Draco said proudly. I was confused about why he was so proud of saying that. Lucius looked down on me and taken out his hand. I grabbed it and we did a handshake. I smiled at him but he stayed with a cold stone face. 

- Nice to meet you, Mr. Malfoy. I'm Y/N Y/L/N. - I said trying not to stutter.

- I'm Lucius Malfoy, nice meet you to Y/N... - He said with a mysterious tone. What was in his mind? I have no idea but I think it went well.

I and Draco just went in after his dad opened the door fully for us. Draco gestured to me to follow him. I grabbed my bags again and followed him. We stepped into the big guest room. I was shocked, it was so big and expensive. The royal bed in the middle of the room, wardrobes from my counting there were 3. Big window with a look outside, table, and chair in front of the window. a desk with a cupboard for books. The big carpet was there also, looking expensive. The walls were black with some green parts that made it look mysterious. I was standing inside admiring the room.

- This is your room, you can unpack in any wardrobe you want - Draco said calmly. I nodded and started to unpack.

- Draco? - I looked up to him.

- What's up Y/N? - He turned to me.

- Where's your mom? I didn't see her when you were leading me. - I asked in a curious tone. 

- Oh my mom loves to sit in her garden, we can go there when your gonna unpack if you want - He smiles kindly. I simply nod and continue to unpack. When I was done I and Draco went to the garden. He opened the door for me I walked in. I was stunned, what in the world created such a beauty? The garden looked perfect from every angle. No dried flowers, no mistakes it was just perfect. Before I even noticed her coming Draco's mom was in front of me. I looked up to see her beautiful face. I blushed immediately. Her hair looked so soft, the way it was put in a bun was perfect. I was drowning in her mysterious brown eyes. Her pink lips made me blush more. The black dress she was wearing, oh my looked so perfect on her. Just when I got lost in my thoughts she pulled her hand in front of me. I grabbed her hand and we did a handshake. She was surprised by how strong my grip was.

- I'm Y/N Y/L/N. Nice to meet you Mrs. Mafloy. Draco told me a lot about you. - I said confidently while smiling. Her smile grows up in the last part.

- I'm Narcissa Malfoy. For you Narcissa - She said in a kind tone to me with a smirk.


So this is part 1. I'm planning to write part 2 soon. I know it's kinda short but I'm planning to make it longer. I hope you enjoyed it! take care! :]

Word count: 1312

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