Trapped chapter 1

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"Lizzie! I'm heading to Costco to get my bag and extra clothes from my locker! Do you need me to grab anything while I'm out?" I called to my room mate as I locked the front door from the inside while I walked out of the apartment.

"Nope! I think I'm all set.. Wait! Tampons! I'm in dire need of some tampons!" Lizzie yelled from the doorway of the kitchen.

Her blonde hair was in a ballerina bun at the top of her head and she was in sweats and a tank top. If you knew Lizzie though you'd know she'd make even an outfit as simple as that look gorgeous. Her parents were health and image freaks so I guess you could say they rubbed off on her. She had blue almond shaped eyes and cheek bones to die for. Her legs were extremely long and she had both tits... and ass. Naturally.

"Alright! Ill be back in about 45 minutes!" I laughed when I shut the door behind me.

The cold air whipped around me sending my hair flying all across my face in a tangled mess. I trudged over to my car and fumbled with the keys to unlock it. How had the temperature dropped that quickly in such a short amount of time? I finally got my car opened and I quickly hopped inside.

I studied my reflection in the rear view mirror. I was pretty average. I had straight long auburn hair, blue doe eyes, small pink lips, and a button nose. I was who someone would think of when they thought of the word innocent. I was pretty short, around five foot four and I had a fit body I guess. I played lacrosse and swam competitively for a couple of years. I wasn't ugly but I wasn't extremely gorgeous like Lizzie either. I was average and I was perfectly content on being that way.

I put the key into the ignition and turned it.

Just my luck. The engine sputtered in annoyance. Why? Why me? I turned the key again and the same thing happened. Please. All mighty. Please. Let my car work for at least one more day. I sighed and turned the key once more slowly.

The engine roared to life. YES. My day has definitely been made. I pulled on my seat belt and adjusted the mirrors. I turned the radio on to the alternative station.  

"Warning. Stay indoors after 7:30 tonight. We have a blizzard coming our way and we are expecting around 6 feet of snow. Stock up while you can. Stay. Indoors. Make sure your-"

I switched the radio off rather wanting to hear the silence than another pesky news report. I checked the clock. It read 7:12. We have gotten them about every week now and none of them have been close to accurate. The temperature was around 44 degrees this morning so I don't think this one will be any more true than the others.

I switched it to satellite radio so I could actually listen to music. Commercial free might I add. I hummed along to the words daring not to sing because I am pretty sure I'd hurt my own eardrums.

I was on my way to my job, Costco, to get some things from my locker to take home for my Christmas vacation. Lizzie and I were heading to Florida for the summer. Neither of us really liked the cold. Nobody should be at Costco because its three hours past closing so I'd hopefully be in and out and get home before the "blizzard" hits.

I just moved up here because of college so even though my job is a drag at least I managed to get my hands on one. I'm a freshman in college here in Maine. It's alright I guess. I have some friends here that I've recently made and some newly acquired as you hip people would call it "haters". One in particular really gets under my skin like no other.

Jeremy Hales.

He was the schools, quote, unquote bad boy player type of lad. Just because he thinks he is good looking and has a British accent it means he can get into any girls pants. It usually works for him until he met me. He called himself "Jeremy the great. Virgin conquerer of southport Maine." HA. He is so full of himself.

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