Trapped chapter 3

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I finished my pizza and rolled the bag of chips up to make sure they didn't go stale. A groan escaped my lips. I would have to face him sooner or later and make up a lie to explain the way that I acted just then. It was going to be hard and knowing him he will want to ask many questions... or he just would not believe me. He seemed like the stubborn type. I placed the chips on the counter and examined my surroundings to take inventory on what exactly I had to work with for the next couple weeks.

There was a couch with a TV in front of it as well as a couple of tables and chairs. There were counters along the walls filled with coffee essentials and snacks left by the other employees. Also, an oven, dishwasher, stove, microwave, and fridge were present. This honestly won't be too bad unless the power goes off, but we have back-up generators for whenever that happens. I noticed the TV had a VCR/DVD player attached to it which will definitely come in handy to keep me preoccupied.

I walked over to the door and thought about going to scope out the rest of the store. Even though I have been working here for a few months I still don't know everything that's here, it's a big store. I decided against it though because if I go out there I would most likely have to face Jeremy and be interrogated. I can't believe that I was about to apologize to him! He was faking being angry at me the whole time! That prick.

I limped over to the couch and adjusted the pillows so that they formed one big pile at one end. When I sat down my butt sunk low into it. Costco didn't buy cheap furniture apparently! It felt like heaven. I readjusted myself so I was lied down with my back against the, well, back of the couch. I always did that, it made me feel like I wasn't alone. It's pathetic, I know, but I have never really gotten close to anyone so this is what I imagined it would feel like. Safe. Secure.

I started to feel my eyes getting heavier as I counted the tiles on the floor. It helped me go to sleep; I did it all the time at the house with the ceiling tiles. When I closed my eyes my thoughts were what kept me awake. I was worried that Jeremy may not be the guy I think that he is. He seemed like a nice person contrary to what I have been told, but people also said that that is how he lures you in. Lizzie was still in the back of my mind. Funny how we have the same name right? I go by Elizabeth though to keep the confusion to a minimum. She never did get her tampons. I wonder when I'd get out of here... I hope it's soon. With that thought I drifted to sleep.


Something tickled my nose. I'm sure of it. I swatted away at the open air to find nothing. Now this is bizarre, maybe it was one of my hairs? That tends to happen a lot. I felt for the hair on my nose but something wasn't right... my hand felt... slimy and sticky? What the hell? What is going on right now?

Before I opened my eyes I heard snickering coming from right in front of me. I knew it. Jeremy was playing one of the oldest tricks in the book. I am SO not going to let him get away with it this easy. Pretending to still be asleep I let my hand go limp once more and fake snored just for added effect. I felt more of the goopy liquid being poured into my hand and heard another small suppressed laugh. He tickled my nose and I lifted my hand.

Instead of hitting myself in the face though I struck my hand out while opening my eyes and hit Jeremy straight in the forehead. My hand slid down his face and oh my gosh I wish you could see his facial expression right now. I lost it. My laughter could probably be heard miles away, and it wasn't that cute giggle that all the guys liked... no, it was the belly laugh. Kind of like a mix of Santa Clause and a dying whale. Not attractive at all but hell, who am I trying to impress? It's definitely not the immature man sitting in front of me.

Tears were streaming down my cheeks from laughing so hard and I finally stopped. When I finally opened my eyes I saw Jeremy sitting in front of me with a grumpy look on his face covered in honey. That face made me erupt into a new burst of laughter. I cannot believe that actually worked.

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