They made their way towards the head of the room, some people automatically moving when they noticed the prince and others giving him disgusted looks to them for holding hands and some slurs where mumbled back and forth about them.
Techno held Wilbur's hand tightly as he cleared his throat.
They walked up the three steps to the thrones and now stood in front of the Prince's parents. Wilbur gave a quick bow towards the members of royalty then nudged Techno to speak.
"Mother, father." He begun, looking between the parents.
"Yes?" The king questioned.
"T-this-..." he started and froze up. He looked towards Wilbur and rested his forehead against his arm to calm himself down and to avoid the stares. He mumbled quietly to himself, basically rehearsing the lines.
"Want me to tell them?" Wilbur asked quietly, removing his hand from Techno's and wrapping it around him instead.
"Yeah, please." He mumbled closing his eyes and keeping his head against Wilbur, one of his hands gently clutching onto the back of the males shirt.
"Your royal highness, your majesty, I'm dating your son." The brown haired male said as politely as he could.
The kings eyes lit up at the words and he stood up and so did the queen. "That's great news! Son I'm so happy for you." He smiled hugging the two, Techno grinned and hugged them both.
"Thank you dad." He mumbled.
When the three broke away from the hug Techno let go off Wilbur too and looked at his mother, her expression was almost frightening for all three of them.
Techno was scared shitless to say the least, he's never seen his mother so mad and he didn't want his 'boyfriend' to witness it aswell. He grabbed Wilbur's hand again and tugged on it, motioning him to follow him and so he did. Techno sped walked toward the other group of boys, that beign Eret, Punz, Fundy and Phil.
"Where's Niki?" Wilbur questioned as soon as they met up witht he boys.
Techno felt a tug at his heart when the male's first words after all that was where his girlfriend was but then again he couldn't blame them, a relationship is a relationship.
"She went off with Minx." Eret responded, fixing his dress.
"Would you all like to see the flower garden now?" Techno asked, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his royal gown.
They all agreed to check it out with made Techno sigh of relief, happy they'd be away him his mother to give her time to cool down. He called over a guard and told him to lead them to the flower garden, saying he's follow along soon after, after he got Tommy and Tubbo back from Schlatt.
As he was walking towards the flower garden with Tommy and Tubbo he overheard someone mention something about the brown haired males outfit, something along the lines of 'It's repulsive for a boy to wear female clothing' and that made Techno stop walking. Tommy looked over nervously to his best friend, seeing Tubbo genuinely shocked and hurt about the words of some of the people. He pulled the shorter male into and hug and looked away. "This never happened, alright?" He mumbled to Tubbo. The boy simply nodded and wrapped his arms tightly around Tommy, keeping himself from crying, which he almost was.
Techno stared at the person who said that was and almost crazed look in his eyes and he brought the sword out of it's holder and up near the man's neck, inches away from the male's skin.
"Want to repeat what you just said?" He asked, moving the sword closer to his neck to where the blade slightly grazed his skin.
"N-no." He stuttered then cleared his throat.

Unexpected turns of events (Techbur/TechnoSoot)
FanfictionRoyal!au Soft!Techno (?) au ___ Techno is finally allowed out of the castle and automatically causes problems he has no power over or meant to cause in the first place, Techno is a prince, one to cause problems, fights and bloody battles ever since...