13(Returning to the castle)

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The pink haired male nodded slowly and glanced around as much of the room he could from the angle he was stuck in. There was piles of flowers, cards and some teddy's on the table next to him, and even on the floor. It looked like a mess but he, for once loved it. Chuckling softly he removed an hand that was resting against Wilbur's chest and moved it behind him, grabbing one of the teddy's that reminded him of his old pet. He looked at it for a bit before putting it back and trying to move Wilbur's arms from around him, he got too confident in the action and hissed in pain from the partly healed stab wound on his arm.

Eventually he got out of the taller males grip and stretched his limbs, hearing a satisfying crack from some of his joints, he made an almost moan like noise before slumping down into obviously bad posture. He dragged his feet over to where his original clothes lay and walked into the bathroom, doing his best not to put too much pressure onto his leg as he got changed. He wore a white shirt with black jeans, fishnet looking chains underneath and his brown boots to finish it off. Techno placed his hands onto the sink, putting pressure on his good limbs to avoid bringing too much pain to himself. He still somehow had bags under his eyes, old scars and small new cuts. He trailed his finger over the larger scar that was dangerously close to his eye before sighing and washing his hands for the sake of it.

He walked out of the bathroom, wiping his hands on his jeans as he wasn't too bothered to dry his hands completely and sat down on the bed once again close to Wilbur and waited patiently for him to wake up, playing with his hair and gently scratching and massaging his scalp with his fingers. Over time Wilbur finally started to stirr, wrapping an arm around Techno's waist and nuzzling into his side and messing up some of the boys shirt.

"Did you sleep enough?" Techno asked resting his hand on the boys head.

"I'm still really tired." Wilbur admitted opening his eyes slightly to glance up to Techno.

He was greeted by the other male smiling fondly at him. "I really am glad to see you again. I hate to admit it." He mumbled, wrapping an arm around Wilbur.

"You actually said that before you passed out." The older male chuckled, yawning. He sat up and stretched.

"I did?" He questioned confused, sitting up as well.

"Mhm." Wilbur hummed, getting off the hospital bed and onto his feet.

"Oh." He laughed nervously, scratching the back off his neck before pushing himself off the bed as well, almost falling onto the brown haired male in the process.

Wilbur gave him a confused look but said nothing, helping him to steady himself or even letting him lean against him every once in a while when he needed it.

The walk outside the hospital was quiet, a bit awkward for Techno, still slightly embarrassed about what he had said before he passed out but at least if he had died there it would've been something that Wilbur could think about. He sighed and shook his head lightly and leaned against Wilbur.


By the time they made it too the castle the gates where wide opened, along with the doors. The prince pushed himself gently away from Wilbur and wiped himself down, making sure he looked acceptable enough for his parents, especially his mother. He was quite frankly terrified of seeing her again. He walked in with the limp, the heavy stomp of his boot hitting the floor grabbed some attention but he tried his best to ignore it, struggling to see over the crowds of people.

"Techno!" Wilbur called over to him as he was getting pushed away.

"Crap." He mumbled to himself trying to walk through the crowd again. The crowd only seemed to crowd around him, barely giving him any space to move past them and get back to Wilbur. "Will!" He called out, not getting a response.

Unexpected turns of events (Techbur/TechnoSoot)Where stories live. Discover now