We meet again

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Mal's POV
I wake up to the sound of my alarm and remember it's my first day at a new school, i realise that i'm running late and i quickly get dressed and brush
my teeth. I walk downstairs and sit down at the breakfast table with my mom and my little brother.
"Goodmorning" i say."Morning honey, did you
sleep well?" My mom asks laying an omelet on
my plate."I've had better nights" i say grabbing
the salt."First day jitters?" She asks."Not really"
i say now reaching out for the pepper, my mom notices i can't reach it and hands it to me."Thanks"
i say spreading it on my omelet. After we finish breakfast i put on my coat and grab my bag.
"Mason, you ready to go?" I ask my little brother.
"Yeah, just gotta get my bag" he says and grabs
his bag."Bye mom, love you" i say opening the
front door, mason and i get on my motorcycle and i
drive him to school."Good luck! And make friends!" I say as i watch him run towards his school. I put
on my Taylor Swift playlist and start riding to my school. I arrive at the school and walk up to a short dark haired girl, i tap on her shoulder and she turns around."Hi, i'm new here, could you help me out?"
I ask her with a light smile."Yeah, of course, i'm jane by the way" she says."Mal, nice to meet you, i need
to find my locker first, 124" i say."Oh mine's 122"
she says."Looks like we're neighbors" i say, we
start walking towards the lockers."So, what brings
you here?" She asks me."At my old school i had a girlfriend, i was madly in love with her, then there was an incident and we both moved away" i say. "We're here" jane says."Thanks" i say opening my locker, i put the books i don't need in my locker and we go to class. At lunch we're walking towards the cafeteria as some girl walks up to us."Hi, you must be new here" she says."Yeah, i am" i say calm and emotionless."Did you know you've been hanging with a loser?" She mocks."Sorry, who you calling
a loser?" I confidently ask."That little dwarf right next to you, you blind?" She says."No, i just don't
see a loser, i only see a sweet girl who took me
under her wing on my first day, I bet you wouldn't
do that now would you?" I say."I mean- guys?"
She turns to her 'friends' and they rush away
in fear."Got anything left to say, miss popular?"
I ask her."N-no" she stutters, then walks away
very upset."You just took down the most hated
girl of the school" jane says."That was nothing,
i've seen worse" i say."Hi, that was so brave" a girl says walking up to me."Thanks, it really wasn't a
big deal" i say."I'm lonnie" she says."Mal, nice to meet you" i say."Can we be friends?" She asks me. "Of course" i say, i look back at jane and she looks
a little awkward."You two got history?" I ask them. "We used to be best friends" jane says."Jane, i was stupid, i was trying so hard to be audrey's friend that i forgot i already had the most amazing friend i could
wish for" Lonnie says."Really?" Jane says tearing up.
"Of course ya dummy! You think you can forgive me?" Lonnie says."Of course ya dummy!" Jane says laughing while crying a little, they hug and then the bell rings."almost forgot, do you guys have a girls
basketball team?" I ask."Yeah, i'm on the team,
do you play?" Lonnie asks."I was mvp and team captain at my old school, i would've played the nationals, but then i had to go to another school"
i say."You're so cool, i bet you'll be super popular
by next week" lonnie says."when are tryouts?"
I ask."After school" lonnie says."Shit" i mumble. "What's wrong?" Jane asks."I'm supposed to pick
up my little brother at 2:30pm" i say."Your parents?"
Lonnie asks."My dad passed away when i was 8 and my mom is working" i say."I'm sorry" lonnie says.
"It's okay" i say."I have an idea" I say taking out my phone, i call my brother and wait until he picks up.
Mason👻: hey sis, What's up?
Mal😈: any chance you made a friend?
Mason👻: i did, why?
Mal😈: try-outs are today, after school
Mason👻: it's okay, i'll get home somehow
Mal😈: thanks, i gotta go, love ya
Mason👻: love ya
He hangs up and i put my phone away. "So?"
Jane asks."He says he'll figure it out" i answer.
After school i walk to the gym and go change in
the girls lockerroom."Mallory hosterman?" I hear someone yell."I'm here!" i say running into the gym, trying to catch my breath."You're late" lonnie says.
"I know" i say. after try-outs i walk through the hallway with lonnie and jane, lonnie keeps grinning at me."Stop that! i'm already nervous, i really wanna make the team" i say, all she does grin wider. I stop and turn to her."What is it?" I ask her."Okay i can't hide it anymore, you made the team" she then says. "Really?! Wait.. If you're joking i'll break your neck right now" i say."Not kidding" lonnie says stepping away from me."I was joking, i'd never do that to anyone" i say."Good" lonnie says, we hug and i see. "Evie?" I say confused."Mal?" She says turning around."What are you doing here?" I ask calmly.
"I go to school here now, what are you doing here?" She asks vulnerably."I-i go to school here now too"
i say, i swallow my nerves and step closer to her.
"Why here? Why? Do you have any idea how hard the last weeks have been for me? You broke my
heart Evie!" I yelled and started crying."Mal i-"
she wants to say something but i interrupt her.
"i don't wanna hear it" i say and walk away.

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