Where is she?

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Evie's POV
After I brought Mal home last night, I didn't wait
until she was inside. I'm starting to think I should have, I haven't heard from her all day. I've left multiple messages and voicemails but she never even read or listened to them. I'm walking out
of class, because lunchbreak's is about to start.
My phone buzzes and I look at it to see a message from Mal's mom:
Miss hosterman: did you bring Mal home after
you guys went to Jane's? I can't find or get in
touch with her.. I just reported her as missing💔"
Just as I look up from my phone, 2 police officers walk up to me."Evelyn Carson?" One asks.
"Yes, that's me" I say calmly."Can we ask you
some questions in private?" The other asks."Sure"
I say and I follow the cops to a teacher's office.

Carlos' POV
I just saw Evie walking with 2 police officers and
I'm looking for my friends now, I walk into the cafeteria as I see all of my friends sitting at a table.
I walk up to them and quickly sit down next to jay.
"Woah, Carlos is something wrong?" Jane asks.
"I just saw evie in the hallway, with 2 cops" I say.
"Wait why are they here?" Audrey asks."And why
did they have to talk to her?" Jay asks."I don't know" I say. 10 minutes later Evie sits down at our table, next to Audrey without saying anything and we
all stare at her in concern."Evie, what's wrong?" Audrey softly asks her while she rubs her back,
all evie does is just sigh and continue to stare
in the distance."Evie, what did those cops want
to talk to you about?" I ask her."Mal's missing
and it's my fault" She finally says."Wait what?"
Audrey asks."How is it your fault?" I ask Evie.
"I didn't wait until she was inside last night"
She says."That doesn't mean it's your fault
though" Jay says."Doesn't matter, we need
to find her" Evie says.

Evie's POV
I didn't tell them the entire truth about last
night, I saw someone walking up to Mal's house.
I couldn't see who it was, so I drove off. As soon
as Mal's house was out of sight, I got a call from an unknown number. I didn't pick up, i just turned off my phone and went home. When i went to bed, I got a text from the same number:
Unknown: there's a lot of ways to seek revenge, though we all know which hurts the most -the boss
I didn't think anything of it at first, but now i'm  thinking maybe this person has something to do with Mal's dissapearance."What's on your mind evie?" Jane asks."Nothing interesting" I say.
"I doubt that" Audrey says, I sigh and take out
my phone."I don't think Mal dissapeard out of free will" I then say."What do you mean?" Carlos asks.
"I didn't tell you the entire truth about last night, after I brought Mal home I got a text from an unknown number" I say."What did it say?"
Audrey asks softly."There's a lot of ways to seek revenge, though we all know which hurts the most -the boss" I say."So, who's the boss?" Carlos asks.
"I don't know, but I'm going to find out" I say. "Revenge" Jane says."What is it jane?" Audrey asks. "Whoever took Mal, wanted revenge on someone.. We figure out who and we're closer to knowing
who took Mal and possibly where" She then says. "Okay, so what's the worst way to seek revenge?" Audrey asks."Making someone's loved ones
suffer for something they did to you" I answer.
"Okay, anyone who would want to take revenge
on you evie?" Audrey asks."Why me?" I ask her,
shit, shit, shit, I thought I had my feelings under control."Really?" Jane asks."We know, Evie"
Carlos says softly."I don't think anyone hates
me that much" I say, then all our phones buzz.
"That's weird" We all say in sync."It's the boss" Audrey says."You're precious little princess is
having trouble breathing -the boss" I say."Oh my God" Carlos says."What do we do now?" Jane asks. "We nagotiate" I say and take out my phone.
"Wait, you don't know what their capable of" Jay says."I'm just gonna ask what they want, that's all"
I say."I'm with you" Carlos says."Me too" Jane says. "Me too" Audrey says."Do it" Jay now says."Allright" I say and start typing:
Evie: what do we need to do for you to let her go?
The boss: you're going to ruin their lives, one by one
Evie: how?
The boss: you should start by checking your locker
I put away my phone and choke back tears."I have
to go to the bathroom" I say and walk away, I arrive at the lockers and walk up to mine. I slowly open
it and notice a bunch of papers that weren't there before, I call in sick and go home. I rush up to my room and start reading the papers, they're from
Jay's family. Wait, his dad stole money from
the bank? I gotta get this to the police, for mal.
I put the papers in my backpack, swing it on my shoulder and run downstairs. I grab my jacket,
my keys, and run out to my car. I drive to the police station, walk in and put the papers on the first desk
I see. I rush out of the policestation and start driving back home. when I arrive home, my phone buzzes:
The boss: nice work, now check your computer
Evie: okay..
I walk into my house and run upstairs, I sit
down at my desk and open my laptop to see a
picture of Jane's mom about to kiss someone
who's not Jane's dad. I need an excuse to be in
her house tomorrow. I take out my phone
and dial her number;
Jane: hey Evie
Evie: hi jane
Jane: to what do I owe the pleasure?
Evie: *laughs it off* I was wondering if you
wanna hang out tomorrow after school?
Jane: I'd love to
Evie: great, I have to go now
Jane: okay, bye
Evie: bye
Well that was easy."Dinner's ready!" I hear from downstairs."Coming!" I yell and walk down stairs.
"What are we having?" I ask while walking in."Pasta" my little sister Liana says."Yay! Mom makes the best pasta!" I reply happily."Thanks honey!" My mom says placing one of the pans in the middle of the table, me and my sister put some pasta on a plate.
As soon as I start eating, my phone rings."I gotta take this, it's jay" I say and walk away:
Evie💙: hey, is everything okay?
Jay😏: *a bit sad* not really
Evie💙: what happened?
Jay😏: my dad just got arrested, for stealing money from the bank
Evie💙: oh my God, do you think he's guilty?
Jay😏: I- I mean the man- I know he's a good man, who works for his money.. But everything's possible, I mean for all I know he's not even my dad
Evie💙: that's true, do the police think he's guilty? Do they have evidence?
Jay😏: the police they- *starts crying* they found papers with deposit information on it and the deposits they- the deposits- they're from the bank
to my dad.. Thousands of dollars Evie, thousands! *breaks down crying and hangs up*
I wipe my own tears and go back to the kitchen.
"What was that about?" My mom asks."It's jay,
his dad just got arrested for theft from the bank.. Apparently there's proof of him stealing thousands of dollars" I say while eating, I finish the food while we talk about it some more and put my plate in
the dishwasher."I'm gonna go take a walk" I say.
"Don't be out too late" my mom says."I'll be back before midnight" I say and put on my coat, I walk out of the house and put my hands in my pocket-
Weird, I don't remember a piece of paper being in my pocket earlier. I take it out and read it:

If Mystery Solving Obsessions Ramble Rapidly.
You Fear Obsessing Roots Do Rudely Anything
God Grieves Insanely, Nor Greatly. You Overthink Universal Interests Not To Overthink Things,
How In Satan's Mortal Elders. Say Sorry. Gates Rattle Every Evening 'Till Insanity Narrows Greatness Slowly For Real Old Memories,
May All Live

Woah, what is that supposed to mean? I look
a little closer and realize that every word starts
with a capital letter, like the code me and Mal
made up in the last year of middle school.
So if I read it correctly it says:
I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess,
Greetings from Mal
I hug the piece of paper and start crying. I stumble into the park until I find a bench and lay on it, sobbing into the letter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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