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(The next day)
Evie's POV
I'm walking through the hall's of the school and bump into someone."Sorry I-" I look up to see it's Mal and my smile fades a little."Oh, it's you" I say awkwardly, I realize we both dropped a book and
I bend down to grab mine."What's that?" Mal says pointing at the book."Just a journal, yours?"
I answer, starting to get nervous."Also a journal,
I should get to class" She says standing up,
she puts the book in her bag and walks away.
During lunchbreak I'm eating lunch with Audrey and she's staring at my journal."What?" I ask.
"Is that a diary?" She asks."It's my journal" I say. "What do you write in it?" She asks."mostly stuff about Mal" i say."Can I read something?" She asks.
"sure, I wrote something yesterday before you came, it should be right- " as I turn the pages i notice something."This is not mine" I say."What do you mean?" She asks."It's Mal's, we bumped into each other this morning and both dropped our journal, we took the wrong ones" I say slowly panicking.
"Wait, but if you have hers doesn't that mean.." Audrey hesitates a little."She has mine" I say and start looking around until I see Jay, Carlos, Jane
and lonnie at another table. I rush up to them and
sit down."Where's Mal?" I ask."She went home sick, why?" Jane asks."Our journals switched, I have
hers and she has mine" I say."Well then you gotta
go, now" Carlos says."Okay, yeah, I'm going, bye"
I say and run out of the cafeteria and out of the school, I jump in my car and drive to Mal's house,
I walk up the steps and ring the bell, her mom answers."Is she here?" I ask."Yeah, she barged
in crying and went up to her room, do you know anything about that?" She says."Yeah, that's why
I'm here, our journals switched, she must've read something in mine" I explain."Well, what are you waiting for, go to her" Mal's mom says, she steps aside and I go upstairs."Mal?" I say softly and slowly open the door. She's sitting on her bed holding my journal and as she looks up, I notice she's in tears.
"I'm sorry" She whispers."Sorry for what?" I ask sitting down next to her."I- I read it" She says,
i look at the page and notice it's the letter I wrote
to her, which I didn't want her to read."It's okay"
I say laying my head on her shoulder, we stay
like this for a few minutes."It's not true" She says
out of nowhere."What's not true?" I say and lift up
my head to look at her."I never moved on, but I thought you did" She says."Wait what? But- you said-" I wanna say something but she cuts me off.
"That the kiss meant nothing? I said that because
I thought you were mad about it" She explains.
"Did it? Mean something to you?" I ask."Evie,
that kiss meant everything to me" She then says.
"Did you read anything in mine?" She then asks.
"No, but I saw some drawings of me, why me though? You can draw anything you want, yet you chose me" I answer."Because, I only draw things
that are beautiful" She says."So, what's next?"
She then asks."Let's just take it slow, okay?"
I say."Yeah, I'll call you tonight?" She answers.
"Yeah" I say and just as I'm about to leave I get an S.O.S from Audrey."Did you get one too?" I say turning around my phone."I got one from Jane"
She says."Well let's go" I say."Yeah" Mal says.
we arrive at Jane's."What do you think is wrong?"
Mal asks."I don't know, it's odd though, that both
of them texted us" I say."Why is that weird?"
She then asks."Because I think Audrey likes Jane"
I say."Wait what?" Mal asks."Yeah" I say."I think Jane likes Audrey" Mal then says."Well that's
Interesting" I say."Yeah" Mal laughs, I ring the doorbell and Carlos opens the door."Hey, come in"
He says."You got the same text?" I ask."They texted everyone" Carlos says stepping aside, we walk in
and join the others."Why are we here?" Mal asks.
"We have a confession to make" Audrey says.
"Are you gonna tell the story or me?" Jane asks Audrey."You" She says."you're the better talker" Jane says."You wanted to tell them in the first
place" Audrey then says."Okay someone just
tell us" I say."Fine I'll do it" Jane says."The night
of the concert, I couldn't sleep. So I went to look if
I was the only one, I wasn't. Audrey was awake and offered to cuddle up for comfort, when I asked her why she said: the same reason I was bullying you and no one else. She stood up and came to me,
I stood up in response not knowing what she was gonna do and then she grabbed my face and crashed
her lips into mine" Jane explains."So, you're dating now?" Carlos asks, he sounds a little hurt."Yeah" Audrey says."I knew it!" Both Mal and I said, we laughed and started staring at each other."I take
it you're conversation earlier went well?" Jay says looking at me."it went, fine, no hard feelings"
I stumble."What she said" Mal says and smiles
at me."Okay" Jay says."Hey M, we should go"
I say."Yeah" She says."Wait, you guys drove here together?" Jane asks."You texted us when I was about to leave Mal's" I say."Allright then" Jay says.

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