Quick Authors note!

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Hi!  This story is PG-13. There's no sexual content (although there will most likely be kissing) and pretty much nothing to merit the pg 13 rating other than some occasional swearing. However, the story has certain psychological elements such as shutting off emotions that I do not want to expose anyone other under the age of 13 to. Because younger kids are more impressionable, I do not want to psychologically damage a child and make them think shutting off their emotions is okay. Parents, please make sure to read it before your child in case you are not comfortable with any topics brought up in the book. There's also a particularly saddening first chapter. Please note that Ivy's mindset at the beginning of the book is screwed up, for lack of a better word. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT allow yourself to adopt this mindset. There are clear holes in her opinions, and she's tricked herself into not knowing it.

Here's some pronunciation guides so that you know how various names are pronounced (keep in mind that you don't have to pronounce these names this way and this is simply an option): 

Ivana Mesram: EYE-VA-NA MES-RA-M

Celeste Iren: SELL-EST I-REN


Lest: LE-ST


The cover is an image of Ivy's blog, and a specific article. I modeled the format off a blog I found online about interior design, and I took a screenshot of the banner ad from the dailymail. The eyes I found online, (search brown hair blue eyes realism) but the eyes started as blue, so I tweaked it a bit!

Also, let me know if you'd like me to add more parts by leaving a quick comment such as "Please update". It sounds silly, but it really helps motivate me to keep writing!

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