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"Answer the question!" She said theatrically. "Alright mom, I gotta go, Lest is picking me up in a few minutes" I said, using my best friend's nickname. "Why so early?" My mother asked, glancing at her watch. It was only around 7, and school started at 8:30 "She wants to go by target, some things to return. Plus, I can take back some of my brother's college decor that he left here" I explained.
"Where is that, by the way?" I asked. "It's in the coat closet, Target bag." "K, thanks mom" I said as I rushed to the coat closet. I opened the door, and like seven things fell out. " Can you get this? She'll be here any minute." "Sure Ivy" she said, rushing to the closet and handing me my bag. "Have a great day at school today" she said, giving me a quick hug before putting everything into the closet and rushing up to her bedroom, probably to do her makeup.

I heard my ringtone go off, and I didn't even bother to pick it up, grabbing my backpack and heading outside to the Subaru parked by the curb. I rushed over there in my heels. Honestly, I only wore heels because I thought they looked professionalish, but still appropriate for a high schooler to wear. I had my hair down, and I winced as my backpack bounced while I ran, and down on my hair. I really needed to get a messenger bag or something.

"Come on Ivy, we are gonna be late!" Lest called as I rushed to the car. I opened the door and slid in, throwing my backpack into the back, fastening my seatbelt and shutting the door. Lest glanced in the rear view mirror, probably to check her makeup. She wore a lot of makeup, and she had to check it a lot throughout the day. "Hey Ivy, does my foundation look blended?" Lest asked me as she pulled out her compact. "If you need more, you can always borrow mine!" I joked. Lest was half black, and at least 5 foundation shades darker than me, so borrowing mine would not end well. We were bored at a sleepover once and I did her makeup when we were like 10-and I used my foundation to do her makeup. It was certainly not a good look.

Lest chattered through the car ride to school, talking about all the girls and boys who she thought were hot, couples who had broken up and gotten together, stuff she'd heard about, etcetera, etcetera. To be honest, I wasn't paying much attention. Don't get me wrong, I like knowing what's going on at our school, but I knew that she'd talk about the same stuff at lunch with the extended friend group anyway. As a pretty logical and collected person, it was a little ironic that "Our entire friend group is full of chaotic bi-cons!" Lest's words, not mine.

We got to target, and I got out of the car with my brother's stuff, grabbing the door for her. "Lest, maybe try not to crash us next time?" I was joking, Lest was actually a pretty great driver. "You are welcome to take your brother's motorcycle anytime, I know he left it for you!" Lest said, turning around and walking backwards to face me.

Kinda bugged me that she could do that, actually. My spatial awareness could never.

"Nah, he left it for you, he knows I'd never get on that death trap." I laughed, wondering how he was doing. Aside from the motorcycle, he was pretty much the perfect kid. He had graduated with honors and gone to MIT.

"I guess he knew you just weren't as brave as me!" Lest said, flipping her hair as she turned back around and opened the door for us. Lest walked in first, and I followed, determined to get in and get out. We would return my brother's stuff, get whatever she needed, get some Starbucks (I may not have feelings, but I still wanted a hot chocolate and a cake pop) and get to school.

I caught up with her as she walked into target, just close enough to hear her murmur.


Lmao what even is this chapter-

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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