Why im not updating

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So uhm this is gonna be like a story time/ shit stuff that doesn't matter but imma tell y'all

So pretty much my life is going down hill rn
So I came out as a pan sexual they/he to my parents and my step mom didn't like that so she kicked me out two months ago so my grandpa took me in
My mother died when I was like 6 and she was nice but my dad got mean
My step mom when she married my dad took my phone a lot doesn't let me have sleepovers took my door off sent me to a Christian school and a lot more of that stupid shit
Of course I'm thirteen and this started when I was 10 and it was really hard for me to take in
Last year I tried to commit not alive and was sent to a mental hospital where I was treated
When I got back my I came out and got kicked out
My parents care more about my sister more than me and I've come to except it
My grandpa took me in and I am so great full for him and all the stuff he has done for me
We are going to court to change my name to Kenny, and legally change my pronouns
Also my binder is in the mail but I can't cut my hair
My parents are going through a rough time with their relation ship so it's hard on me too
My step mom would just call me to tell me I'm a mistake and I should put be here and I should have ended my life
I'm just gonna name the illnesses I have: depression, aniexty, select muteism, PTSD, Body dysmophia ( how ever you spell it ) and there's more but eh
Updating kinda gets me off schedule and sometimes I can't get myself to write
Sometimes I write stuff durin* breakdowns but I never submit them
I don't think anyone reads this shit but eh
I honestly just wanted to say this because I don't want anyone to get mad at me when I don't post a lot!
That's all anyways enjoy your day 🥺

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