one ☽

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yoongi always loved the village that he called home. call him biased but he thinks it's the prettiest place he's ever seen. the enormous old oak trees surrounding the place,  the vibrant meadows with a vast variety of flowers and the green fields where the children can play. he's thankful he grew up in this kingdom.

but if he had to choose his favourite place in the whole village it would be the royal gardens. not my many people are allowed in there only the royal family and the people working at the castle. the only time villagers are allowed in there is when there is a special event.

yoongi is the kingdoms prince and, sadly, soon to be king. he never got the appeal of being king and it was never something he wanted to do but it was something he was born into. he'd much rather climb trees,  pick flowers to give to the old ladies at the inn and make daisy chains.

his train of thought was suddenly cut off feeling strong arms wrap around his petite waist. he knew instantly who it was. turning around smiling with a blush on his cheeks he's met with his lover. don't tell anyone that though. it's a secret.

"hi..." he looks shyly at taehyung his smile getting bigger. "what are you doing here i thought you were helping your mother in the castle kitchen?"

"i was but my mother got irritated by me so i decided to find you, your very predictable yoongs." the younger says smirk itching it's way on his face.

"am i now?" the smaller male giggles."i knew i'd find you near the flower meadows." that was a lie he thought yoongi would be in the royal gardens but he doesn't need to know that.

"i see."the older smiles, wrapping his arms around taehyungs neck feeling the tallers arms tighten around his waist, he leans in for a chaste kiss.

after pulling away yoongi took a moment to admire the man before him. you could honestly mistaken taehyung for a prince because of how handsome he is. he was tall, broad shoulders and a lean figure and his face was striking and intimidating. although if you really got to know the man he was quite the opposite of that. you'd never think he was a servant.

"would his highness care to go back to the castle for his supper now?" taehyung bows reaching out a hand and putting on a fake posh accent.

"i would of course my dear." the shorter says, saying it in the the same posh accent. he took taehyungs hand in his doing a slight bow. taehyung raises the smaller boys hands up and leaves a small kiss on his knuckles, leaving yoongi blushing from the affection.

"lead the way sire."


when dinner was over yoongi escaped to his room. there's only so much he can take of his parents at a time. he loves his parents with all he has but they're just too much sometimes.

settling down to get ready for bed he hears a knock on his bedroom door. who could that be he thought to himself. expecting it to be one of his maids asking for his washing he opened the door. he didn't expect taehyung to be standing there, looking ethereal in the dim lighting of the castle.

"taehyung? what are you doing here?" he asked taken back by the fact the younger boy knocked on his door this late.

yoongi looked at taehyungs face and he saw how shy taehyung looked right now. trying not to kiss him he asks again, "tae? what are you doing here this late? looking around to see if anyone was in the hall, he yanks the younger in and shuts the door. locking it.

"i- uhm" the younger started not quite sure on how to ask. he began again trying not to stutter, "i was wondering if you'd like to go to the castle gardens, i mean it's okay if you don't your a-" the smaller shuts his rambling up by placing his finger on his lips. he smiled, "of course i do but we need to be careful of the guards."

taehyung smiled and placed his hands on the younger mans hips bringing his face closer to his and kissing him. the older kissed back and wrapped one arm around his neck, playing with the baby hairs on his nape while the other rested on his jaw.

taehyung moved one of his hands from yoongi's hip to place it on his asscheek, shocking the smaller, he pulled away with a pout and slapped his chest. taehyung just smiled his boxy smile that had yoongi feeling like he wanted to melt and become the floor by how much love consumed him for this man in from of him. his man.

"shall we go now sire?" taehyung says in a teasing tone.

yoongi just rolling his eyes says, "if you call me sire one more time i will resort to violence."

taehyung gasped dramatically. "you wouldn't." the older narrowed his eyes.

"oh i would."


okay well uh...first chapter is done and i don't hate it so that's good. thoughts?

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