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everytime I get to see you,
a smile appears on my face.
my heart starts beating faster
and a warm feeling spreads out all over my chest.

I love to see you,
to hug you,
to touch you.
your closeness makes me feel whole.
your words make me feel understood.
your presence makes me feel complete.

simply said:
you give me the feeling of being loved
by someone
who actually cares
about me.
you make feel worthy.

whenever I'm with you,
I feel complete
I feel safe
I feel at peace
with myself and with the world.
but without you, I feel lost
without you, the world gets dark and darker without you, all the beautiful colors vanish
the world gets black, sad, numb

like a sunset
which disappears under the horizon
you're my sun
and every time you leave
you take your light with you
as well as
your lovliness
your kindness

I'm lost without you
nothing makes sense anymore
where went all my hope?
my inner strength?
my hapiness?
you took it all with you
in the same moment you left me.
you vanished into the dark night
like the sun, you're gone.

but please, don't leave me behind
please, don't let this happen
to me, to us
I need you
because without you,
I'm lost

Broken SoulNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ