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I remember your kiss
I remember your smile
the taste of your lips
the smell of your hair
the look in your eyes meeting mine
the feeling of my fingers touching your skin
the pressure of your hands holding mine

the sweet look you're giving me
you're holding me close
so close and so tight

you won't lose me, I promise
but will I lose you?
I think, I've already lost you
to another one
to another girl

but please stay
please stay with me
I can't stand it
don't leave me
please don't leave me alone

in the dark early night
it's getting dark and cold
I'm freezing, I'm shivering
please hold me close
and tight

give me warmth
and strength,
and then what?

you will be my saviour
you will be my light
which illuminates my way for a better life
you will be the reason for my everyday smile
every morning after waking up
every night before going to sleep

please don't judge me
please don't leave me
please don't abandon me

I don't know what's right nor wrong
I make mistakes

because I'm searching,
I'm searching for the meaning of life
I'm seaching
for you

Broken SoulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora