Ep 2: Not So Happy Campers pt.2

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island. 23 campers have signed up to spend eight weeks right here at this crummy old summer camp, then have to face the judgement of their fellow campers

DJ: Its our first challenge how hard can it be

The camera shows the campers standing near the edge of a thousand foot cliff that leads into the ocean

Gwen: I did not sign up for this

Nathan: You've got to be kidding me

Chris: Okay. Today's challenge is three fold. Your first task is to jump off this one thousand foot high cliff into the lake

Harold: Chris I think you lake

Chris: Can it Harold. I'm the host. I get to speak here

Bridgette: Should be a piece of cake

Chris: If you look down, you will see two target areas. The wider area represents the part of the lake that we have stocked with psychotic, hehehe, man eating sharks. Inside that area is a safe zone. That's your target area, which, we're pretty sure is shark free

Leshawna: Excuse me?

Chris: For each member of your team that jumps and actually survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below. Inside each crate are supplies you'll need for the second part of the challenge... building a hot tub. The team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot tub party tonight. The losers will be sending someone home. Let's see, Killer Bass, you're up first

Gwen: Wait we're building a hot tub? But it's the middle of summer and ninety degrees

Chris: *sighs* Just go with it Gwen

The Killer Bass grouped up and began discussing who will jump first

Owen: Hey don't sweat it guys m. I heard that shows always make the interns do the stunt first to make sure its survivable

One by one the Bass began jumping, however DJ and Courtney were both too scared to jump, but due to Duncan's cunning tricks, he managed to get Geoff's help and throw him down the cliff. Courtney however, ended up with a chicken hat to wear for the rest of the day and take the chicken's way down the cliff which was a functioning escalator. Due to the protests from Kadie and Sadie, they both ending up in the Killer Bass team after Izzy switched places with her

Chris: Okay. So that's ten jumpers and one chicken. Screaminh Gophers, if you can beat that we'll throw in a pull cart to put your crates on

Tren: Nice, okay guys who's up first?

Heather: I'm sorry, there's no way I'm doing this

Beth: Why not?

Heather: Uh hello, national TV. I'll get my hair wet

Gwen: You're kidding right?

Nathan: Really? *shakes head*

Lindsay: If she's not doing it, I'm not doing it

Leshawna: Oh you're doing it

Leshawna said getting up to Heather's face causing her to become aggressive

Heather: Says who?

Leshawna: Says me. I'm not losing this challenge cause you got your hair did, you spoiled little daddy's girl

Heather: Back off, ghetto glamour, too tight pants wearing rap star wannabe

Leshawna: Mall shopping ponytail wearing teen girl reading peeking in high school prom queen!

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