Ep 3: The Big Sleep

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The campers were sound asleep in their respective cabins until a sudden air horn caused them to wake up. Nathan shot up and clunk his head on the bunk above him which was occupied by Justin

Leshawna: Its seven in the morning! Do I look like a farmer to you!?

Leshawna's voice was heard from the girl's side. The boys lazily and groggly readied themselves for the day's challenge

Chris: Morning! Hope you slept well

Heather: Hi Chris. You look really buff in those shorts

Chris: I know *smiles*

Gwen: Kiss ass

Gwen muttered caused Leshawna, Trent, and Cody to laugh while Nathan snickered to himself. He is still shy around everyone but he isn't too afraid to speak a bit more

Chris: Okay. I hope you're all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute

Owen: Oh, excuse me. I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast

Chris: Oh, you'll get breakfast, Owen. Right after you complete your twenty kilometers run around the lake!

Eva: Oh so you're funny now? You know what I think would be funny!?

Courtney: Eva! Try to control your temper

Eva: You're enjoying this aren't you?

Chris: A little. You have thirty seconds

Nathan: Was I ready for twenty kilometer run around the island? No. But then again, I wasn't ready for a thousand foot drop on the first day yet here we are

Chris: Okay runners! On your marks... get set... go!

With a gunshot to the air the campers we off. Some jogged, sprinted, or walked. Everyone was separated in different distances due to the pace they set. Nathan for the most part was walking as it was too early for any physical activity. Others had the same idea

Harold: Do you know how much longer?

Gwen: Don't walk beside me

Nathan: I wonder who got sent home yesterday

Gwen: I heard it was Ezekiel. Something about some sexist comments

Nathan: Figures, the homeschooled boy would be the first to bite it

Gwen looked at the hipster in disgust. Nathan looked up and saw that Owen was licking water from a small pond on the floor

Gwen: That's absolutely disgusting

Nathan: I'm not sure if that's healthy for you

The campers continued and finally some had arrived at the main lodge were they sat resting

Courtney: What took you so long? We just lost the challenge

Harold: I think I'm having heart palpitations

Gwen: Hey, wait a minute. If they lost, that means we won the challenge!

Some of the Gophers began cheering, but their celebration was shortly cut off when Chris stepped in

Chris: Whoa there! Hold your horses guys. That wasn't the challenge

Nathan: What?

Gwen: Are you kidding me?

Chris: Who's hungry!

A curtain suddenly bifolded open and revealed a huge buffet of food ready to be consumed

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