»» Track 2 ««

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Track: Be My Forever by Christina Perri feat. Ed Sheeran

Pairing: Larry

Summary: Just Jaystyle fluff omfg

## Cheese

(Two young man lying side by side on an open meadow looking up at the fluorescent stars, and simply enjoying each other's presence.)

HARRY: (in sheer awe) "You know, I have always thought of star gazing as an absurd activity." (slowly smiling) "But I can now see what the fuss is about, this is truly calming and quite beautiful too."

LOUIS: "You're right. This might be one of the most beautiful things I have ever witnessed but..." (glances over to HARRY) "I think you're aesthetic."

HARRY: (makes a face that gives him many chins, only to mock LOUIS' comment) (talks like a hill billy) "Why thank you, you're sweeter then corn on a cob."

LOUIS: (furrows eyebrow) "You're something else, Styles." (looks back at the stars) "But thank you for shooting my comment down. For a moment there I almost sounded like you."

HARRY: (faux hurt) "What's so wrong with sounding like me?"

LOUIS: "You're cheesy, Harry." (pauses) "No, you're beyond cheesy -- King Cheese."

HARRY: "King Cheese? Are my subjects walking blocks of cheese?"

LOUIS: "What ever you wish, your majesty."

HARRY: (smug) "Alright. I would like my kingdom to be made out of ptarmigan, and I'll have a dungeon of blue cheese --"

LOUIS: "Why blue cheese?"

HARRY: "Because it's the most vile thing ever created in the world of cheese - now if you interrupt me again it'll be off with your head." (uses finger to represent a beheading)

LOUIS: (playing along) "Oh, your majesty with all due respect, last time I checked..." (smirking) "my head was always your favorite part."

HARRY: "Ew."

LOUIS: (chuckling) "Oh come on. I was only playing. Y'know I only bottom for you." (winks at HARRY)

HARRY: (shakes head) "No, no, no - nope. No sex for you."

LOUIS: (amused) "And why must I get the worst of punishments?

HARRY: "You're a horny little bunny. It's like the only thing you think about is sex." (thinks about it) "Actually that is the only thing you think about!"

LOUIS: "You're no nun yourself, Harry."

HARRY: (gasps) "Well." (faux hurt once more) "I would never - nope." (shouts) (points at LOUIS) "Off with his head!"

LOUIS: (playing along) "But your majesty just hear me out --"

HARRY: "No! Off with your head." (stands up) "He who dares insult your royal highness, shall be decapitated."

LOUIS: (rolls his eyes) "You're a royal pain. (stands up, walks up to HARRY) "But you're my royal pain." (hugs him)

HARRY: (smirking) "Whose the King Cheese now?"

LOUIS: (smiling) "I love you."

HARRY: "I love you." (kisses LOUIS gently)

LOUIS: (smirking) "For the worse or for the better --"

HARRY: "-- I will love you forever."

LOUIS: (giggles) "God, I think we're both cheesy."

HARRY: "Make room for the kings!" (waves hands) "The kings of cheese!"

LOUIS: (pretends to think) "But there can't be two kings. What will our suitors think of this?"

HARRY: "Anyone who dares to question the two kings, shall be beheaded at sight."

LOUIS: (raises eyebrow) "Why so desperate to see a beheading?"

HARRY: (shrugs) "Heads intrigue me."

LOUIS: (snorts, trying not to laugh) "Oh really now?"

HARRY: "Why are you laughing?" (realizes what he said) "Ah, not that head you pervert! See this is why I would be the better king."

LOUIS: (smirking) "I think you'll be better off as a queen, then a king."

HARRY: "Yeah me too --" (realizing what LOUIS said) "Hey!" (hits LOUIS on the shoulder)

LOUIS: (winces) "Ouch!" (pretending to not know why he got hit) (still smirking) "What was that for?"

HARRY: "Why would you call me a queen?! You're the one that bottoms!"

LOUIS: (winks at HARRY) "Only for you baby."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2015 ⏰

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