Chapter 4

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(A/N: Thank you for all your support! It means so much to me!)


He couldn't sleep. Draco's face kept flashing through his mind, steely eyes sparkling. He got out the Marauder's Map and stared at his dot. Apparently, he couldn't sleep either; he was pacing again, but this time in an abandoned classroom. So, Harry did the only reasonable thing: he followed him.


"What are you doing here, Malfoy?" growled Harry, playing their meeting off as an accident.

"I could ask the same of you."

"Couldn't sleep," said Harry, surprising himself with his honesty.

"Me neither. Don't you have anywhere better to go?"


"Me neither."

Draco sat down on a desk, Harry settling himself next to him. They sat in silence for a while, until Harry said: "How come you haven't hexed me yet?"

"I was wondering the same about you."

"Well, we seem to have a lot in common tonight."

"Shut up."

Silence again. Harry broke it again. 

"Do we have to hate each other? Wouldn't it be easier if we didn't?"

"You say that as if we have a choice, Potter," replied Draco, voice free of malice. 

Harry glared at him.

Draco sighed. "Are you proposing a truce?"

Harry grinned at him in the darkness. "You said it, not me."

Draco grunted. "Fine. I accept your truce."

"Shake on it?"


Draco stared at Harry's outstretched hand. He was about to shake hands with Potter. How ironic would it be if he denied it. 

"Shake on it."

They shook hands, Draco very aware of the feel of Harry's hand. Green eyes stared into silver. Draco coughed and dropped his hand, blushing, realising he had held Harry's for too long to be acceptable.

Silence again. Draco stifled a yawn.


Draco had started snoring. Harry turned to the blonde and felt something heavy on his shoulder. He started, realizing that Draco had fallen asleep on his shoulder! 

"Draco. Draco. Malfoy,"  he hissed, but the sleeping Slytherin didn't wake up. Harry decided not to bother: Draco looked exhausted.

Harry yawned and rested his head on Draco's.

They slept.

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